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Licensing A to Z
A to Z of licensing
Alcohol and entertainment licensing
Alfresco pavement cafe
Animals - boarding (kennels, cattery)
Animals - breeding
Animals - dangerous and wild
Animal - movement
Animals - performing
Animals - pet shop
Animals - riding establishment
Animals - zoo
Animal feed business registration
Betting premises
Caravan and park home sites
Car boot sales
car boot licence not required
Chaperones for children in entertainment
Charitable collections - house-to-house collection
Charitable collections - street collection
Child employment
Children in entertainment, modelling and sport
Club premises certificate
Environmental permits
- industrial emissions, solvents, etc
Events licensing
- sales and storage
Food - premises registration
Food - premises approval
Gambling premises
Gaming machine permits
licence not required
Homes in multiple occupancy
Hypnotism regulation
Licensing - policy
Livestock movement
Massage and special treatments - premises and therapist
massage licence not required
Scrap metal
Second hand dealers
dealers licence not required
Sex establishments
Skip - operator and permits
Sports grounds safety
Sports stands safety
Street pavement cafe
- Alfresco
Street trading
Tattooists, piercing and electrolysis
Taxi licensing
Temporary event notices
Temporary road closures
Temporary traffic signals on the highway
Weighbridge operators
Activities not requiring a licence in Cheshire East
A licence is not required to busk in Cheshire East.
Hairdresser or barber
A licence is not required to open and run a hairdressing business and you no longer need to register with the Council for health and safety inspections
Massage and special treatment licences
You do not require a licence or permit to carry out massage or special treatments in Cheshire East.
Second hand dealers licence and car boot permits
You do not require a licence or permit for car boot sales or a second hand dealers in Cheshire East.
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