Refuges for domestic abuse

A refuge is a safe house for adults and children escaping domestic abuse. People can stay there (with or without children) until they decide what to do next. Sometimes people just stay for a few days to give themselves a break and sometimes people use it as a stepping stone to leaving permanently.

The addresses of refuges are secret - (a PO box address is used for post). There are refuges all over the UK; if space is available people can stay anywhere that they feel safe and comfortable. This may be the nearest one or it might be the opposite end of the country. Communal refuges tend to be for women only but there is provision for men too in other types of accommodation. 

Cheshire East Refuge Provision

We try to do all we can to keep you safe in your own home or through a managed move but sometimes refuge is needed to be safe. Cheshire East has a number of houses in the community that are used for people escaping domestic abuse. These are run by myCWA (Cheshire Without Abuse) and people staying there – adults and children - get support to recover from what they’ve experienced and plan for their future.

The houses are regular homes, not communal provision, and depending on the family size residents may or may not share with one or two other people.

People who need emergency accommodation either locally or in another part of Cheshire or further afield should ring the Hub on 0300 123 5101 or the national helpline on 0808 2000 247 and someone will assess what is needed and help to find housing that best suits the need.

It’s also OK just to ring and find out some more about what’s on offer so please give us a call.

Page last reviewed: 17 February 2021

Contact details

Cheshire East Domestic Abuse Hub
Telephone: 0300 123 5101

In an emergency call 999

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