Domestic abuse tools and resources

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Tools and resources to raise awareness

You can order posters, stickers or business cards from Cheshire East Domestic Abuse Hub: Tel 0300 123 5101.

These can be placed in your offices, pubs, leisure centres, churches, community centres, anywhere where people needing help have a chance to see them. 

Good relationships are built on equality. Abuse often starts gradually and so it can be hard sometimes to identify what is and isn’t OK.

Wheels of control

The ‘wheels’ below can help people think about what is and isn’t acceptable.

Identify risk and make a referral tools

The Risk Indicator Checklist is part of our referral form for Cheshire East Domestic Abuse Hub. It is good practice to be familiar with the key risk indicators and to use this checklist where concerns are growing for someone’s safety.

One minute guides (OMG)

This One Minute Guide gives an overview of the work of Cheshire East Domestic Abuse Hub

High risk cases are notified to MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference) where agencies share information and plan actions to make families as safe as possible. 

Tools to help with safety planning

Domestic abuse and suicidality toolkit

There is a growing awareness of the link between suicide and domestic abuse. In response to this the Cheshire East Domestic and Sexual Abuse Partnership, the Self-Harm and Suicide Prevention Partnership Board, and expert colleagues, have created a toolkit to support practitioners in effective intervention and providing crucial support.

Tools to help children and young people be safe and to recover 

Cheshire East Safeguarding Children Partnership sets out how everyone works together to safeguard children 

Domestic abuse tool to help you assess the risks to children in families where there is domestic abuse and to guide any decisions about safeguarding.

Some children and young people need extra help to deal with the impact of domestic abuse. Here are 3 programmes of sessions you can do to help children you care for or are working with:

Guiding conversations with parents and how abuse might affect them and their parenting

Teen relationship abuse

Abuse of adults at risk

Some adults are particularly vulnerable because their disability, age or illness means there are more barriers to getting help and more ways to exploit them. Adults have a right to choose how they want to live and we want to make sure those choices are informed by understanding of domestic abuse and sexual violence and what support is available. 

As with children adults at risk must be at the centre of all planning about their situations.

The Older People Supplementary Question Checklist has been designed to assist professionals in assessing the risk of domestic abuse in older people, and for those who provide care for an older person and are personally connected.

Working with those who harm

People who acknowledge some responsibility for harmful behaviour can be supported to change.

Please visit the Help to Change page and if a referral is appropriate use the Lifeline Referral form to ask for an assessment.

Sexual abuse

Services for those who have been recently assaulted, those who are being supported through criminal justice processes and those who are in recovery.

Child or adolescent to parent violence

Sometimes children and young people can hurt others in their family. Parents tell us they often keep this a secret and so it gets worse. They are also afraid of calling the police as they don’t want their child into trouble. We want everyone to be safe and manage their feelings and behaviours.

Please talk to us or to anyone involved with your family as soon as you feel able. This is a really common problem and we can help.

Tools and resources can be found on the Holes in the Wall website, including a selection of resources for parents and carers.

Newbold Hope provide resources and information for parents and professionals to reduce violent, difficult and dangerous behaviour in children and young people with a disability and/or an additional need.

Document accessibility.

Page last reviewed: 09 July 2024

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