
A multi-agency team responds to flooding within Cheshire East. This includes teams from Cheshire East Council, the Environment Agency, United Utilities and the Emergency Services.

Reporting a flood

If there is an emergency or risk to life always call 999.

If your home is currently experiencing internal flooding (within the habitable spaces of the home, this does not include detached garages, gardens or basements which have not been converted), call 0300 123 5020 within working hours and request to speak to the flood risk team. Out of hours call 0300 123 5025 and the message will be passed to the most appropriate person available.

If you live within a flood risk area or would like to know more about how to protect your home from flooding visit the FloodHub.

See our report a flood page to report flooding on roads and for further guidance.

See our drainage page for information on drains serving properties and who to contact. 

Have you checked the flood risk to your home or business? Visit the FloodHub for more information.

If you live in an area identified at risk of surface water or river flooding you are at risk of flooding, regardless of whether you have never flooded before or have flooded recently.

Government advice is for all property owners in flood risk areas to install flood resilience products in advance of flooding, create a flood plan and sign up to Environment Agency flood warnings. The British Red Cross App is able to help with creating a plan.

Intense extreme rainfall events are becoming more frequent across Cheshire East and flooding is occurring to properties and business located within areas of surface water and fluvial flood risk.

YearDate(s) Rainfall in mm (Duration)Indication of Rainfall Intensity(based on long term recorded monthly rainfall totals)Main areas of reported property flooding experienced in;
2023 18 - 21 October (Storm Babet) 150 - 200 (3x days) More than twice the October whole month average rainfall in the first three weeks of the month Borough wide
2022 20 - 21 February (Storm Franklin) 50mm (30hrs) A months’ worth of rain in 30hrs North of the borough
2021 18 – 20 January (Storm Christoph) 70mm (48hrs) Over a months' rain in 48hrs Borough wide
2019 25-26 October 68mm (28hrs) 3 weeks of rain in 28hrs South of the borough
2019 27 - 31 July 150mm (5 days) Over 2 months of rain in 5 days North of the borough
2016 13 September 30mm (2hrs) Nearly half a months’ rain in 2 hrs North of the borough
2016 11 June 45mm (6hrs) 2/3rds of a months’ rain in 6 hrs North of the borough

Flood risk

If you live in a flood risk area, you need to understand that risk and plan for flooding. Have an action plan ready in the event of flooding and ensure that your property has the correct insurance, flood resilience and resistance measures in place.

Page last reviewed: 11 June 2024