Cheshire East Local Account

Our Local Account is a summary of the Adult Social Care Service’s activity, working with our Health and other partners, to support vulnerable people who have adult social care needs.

We strive to make sure that we serve the diverse communities that live in the rural and urban environments of Cheshire East, delivering value for money and putting our residents first, all times.

The Local Account includes information on:

  • the achievements we have made in adult social care and how well we are performing
  • new and existing innovative services
  • feedback from people who have been supported through social care services
  • the changes and challenges we are facing
  • our plans for future improvements

Adults Social Care survey

This is a national Government survey which asks people aged 18 and over, who are receiving support services funded or arranged by Cheshire East Council, for their views on the care and support they receive. The responses help the council to understand what we do well and where we could improve.

Survey of Adult Carers

The Survey of Adult Carers in England (SACE) is a biennial survey, undertaken by all councils with adult social services responsibilities. The views of carers were sought on a number of topics about their caring role, the services they and the person they care for receive, and their life alongside their caring role. Carers completing the survey were all aged 18 or over, caring for someone aged 18 or over.

Page last reviewed: 22 August 2024

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