Housing advice


Young people leaving care

If you are a young person leaving a care placement your Social Worker can provide advice and support to help you plan where you will live in the future.

This forms part of the 'pathway plan' they will have agreed with you looking at all aspects of your future.

There are several options available such as:

  • supported lodgings
  • sharing with friends
  • having your own tenancy
  • supported accommodation
  • halls of residence if you are going to university. 

Already left care

If you have already left care, you may still be able to access the help of your Personal Advisor. They can help you with application forms for housing, benefits, and education and / or training courses.

Your Personal Advisor should stay in contact with you and provide ongoing support and help until your 26th birthday. 

We are committed to supporting our care experienced young people and we offer priorities for social housing and assistance with deposits.

Further guidance on housing options for young people leaving care  (PDF, 358KB)

Contact the Homechoice and Prevention team

Phone 0300 123 5017 if you are under 26 and have previously been in care and need help with your housing.

Page last reviewed: 20 May 2024