Apply for an in-year school place
You can apply online for a school place for other year groups outside of Reception and Year 7 starters in September. This is called an in-year application.
To apply for an in-year school place complete the online form below. The form will take around 10 minutes to complete.
Use the form to apply for Cheshire East community and voluntary controlled schools, academies, free schools, voluntary-aided and foundation schools
Apply for an in-year school place
To find out how we use your information see our privacy notice (opens in a new window).
If you are applying for a place at a voluntary (church) aided school, you may also need to send extra information direct to the school.
Do not use this for
- sixth forms, Crewe Engineering and Design UTC, Cheshire Studio, fee-paying schools - contact the school
- schools outside Cheshire East - check with the school's local authority
When to make your in-year application
For admissions at times other than the start of the school year in September, you can apply up to 6 school weeks before the day you want your child to start.
For September admissions, you can apply up to 8 school weeks before.
Before you apply for an in-year place
Make sure you understand what's involved:
School vacancies
For the most up-do-date information about vacancies, contact the school direct. Our school vacancy spreadsheet will give you an idea of where there may be places. Primary and secondary vacancies are on separate tabs.
Sharing information about your child
When you make an in-year application, the form asks you to give information about your child's school attendance, behaviour and any medical or other support needs.
Only information about challenging behaviour affects what the school decides.
If you apply online, the application and the information you give is shared automatically with the current school and the new school. Staff from the schools may talk to each other.
If you do not want the current school to know you are applying to a different school or to give the extra information to the new school, do not apply online. Instead, call us on 0300 123 5012.
After you apply
In-year applications are normally processed within 10 school days. It can take longer in school holidays. We will send you an offer of a place at the highest-ranked of your preferred schools that has space.
If you find it hard to get a place
We can offer extra support to find an in-year school place to some groups of children. Schools can refer applications to us and parents of eligible children can also contact us direct. See Fair Access Protocol.
You can make a school admissions appeal if you do not get a place at the school you prefer.
If you do not have access to the internet or need support to apply online you can call us on 0300 123 5012.
Page last reviewed: 25 July 2024
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