How to make comments on planning applications
Object, support or comment on a planning application online
Step 1. View the planning application - this means the comments will be associated with the correct planning application.
Step 2. Click on the link for submitting comments on the planning application page.
Most planning applications are subject to consultation and anyone is able to make representations, object, support or comment should they wish to do so. Consultations are normally limited to a 21 day period, ensure your comments are received before the expiry date.
Before you submit comments read the guides:
If you don't have access to the internet or email ask a relative or friend to email them on your behalf to or to submit them via our; view and comment on a planning application page or you can send your comments by post.
Send postal comments to:
Head of Planning and Housing
Development Management
PO Box 606
Municipal Buildings
You can contact our Customer Service team on 0300 123 5014.
There may be a delay with comments being published to the website but they will still be received and considered by the planning officer.
- Comments on applications are put onto the Council’s website and are open to public scrutiny. Any comments that include matters of a personal or offensive nature will be removed and not considered.
Valid Reasons to Object - what can be taken into account
The Council has a statutory duty to consider the provisions of the Local Plan and any other "material considerations". The most common "material considerations" include the following, the list is not exhaustive.
Policies and guidance
- Local, strategic, regional and national planning policies
- Government circulars, orders and statutory instruments
- Previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)
Character and design
- Design, visual appearance, and materials
- Layout and density of buildings
Living Conditions of local people
- Loss of daylight or sunlight
- Overshadowing/loss of outlook (but not loss of view)
- Overlooking/loss of privacy
Pollution or hazardous materials
- Noise and disturbance from use
- Smells
- Light pollution
- Hazardous materials and ground contamination
Access, parking or traffic
- Disabled persons access
- Highway safety issues
- Traffic generation
- Vehicular access
- Adequacy of parking
Natural or historic environment
- Loss of important trees
- Landscaping
- Nature conservation
- Intrusion into the Open Countryside/ Green Belt
- Risk of flooding
- Effect on Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas
- Archaeology
What cannot be taken into account?
Many concerns cannot be addressed through the planning process, these include:
- Loss of view
- Loss of property value
- Breach of restrictive covenant
- Loss of trade to a competitor
- The level of profit a developer might make
- Personal circumstances of the applicant (in most cases)
- Moral objections eg to uses such as amusement arcades and betting offices
- Matters controlled under Building Regulations or other non-planning laws, eg structural stability, drainage, fire precautions etc.
- Private issues between neighbours eg land/boundary disputes, damage to property, private rights of way, covenants etc.
- Problems arising from the construction period of any works, eg noise, dust, construction vehicles, hours of work etc.
- The development is already completed
Public register of planning applications
Cheshire East Council maintains a public register of planning applications. The register consists of the application form, accompanying plans and drawings, consultation responses and the decision. Any representation on planning applications will be retained as part of that register. Information from the register is used in answering queries about planning history including searches of the Local Land Charge Register. The register is made available to anyone who wishes to view it.
Page last reviewed: 05 August 2021
Thank you for your feedback.