Supplementary Planning Document for Bollington

The following Supplementary Planning Document for Bollington was adopted by Macclesfield Borough Council on 18th January 2006:

  1. Development should be in accordance with policies in the Local Plan.

  2. Where the existing site is in an employment area the land and buildings will normally be retained for employment purposes. In the mixed-use areas in Bollington a range of uses may be permissible, in accordance with Local Plan Policy E11. Policy E14 of the Local Plan encourages the relocation of employment uses in residential areas if they create an unacceptable level of nuisance to neighbouring dwellings and infill housing will be encouraged on these sites.

    Reason: Bollington currently contains a number of employment sites and it is important to retain these. In mixed-use areas a range of uses will be acceptable. Employment uses in residential areas can create problems, particularly if the use has outgrown its premises or if intensification ha occurred. Residential amenity can be significantly enhanced if these employment uses are replaced by residential development.

  3. The overall scale, density, height, mass and materials of new development must normally be sympathetic to the character of the local environment, street scene, adjoining buildings and the site itself (Policy DC1). Any housing development in Bollington shall be in keeping with immediate surrounding area and shall normally be at a density of between 30-50 dwellings per hectare net, subject to the provisions of Policy H3. Within and adjoining Bollington’s Conservation Areas development will only be permitted if it preserves or enhances the character or appearance of the Conservation Areas. All development in Bollington should reflect local character and respect form, layout, siting, scale and design of surrounding buildings and their setting.

    Reason: Bollington contains 4 Conservation Areas and a number of properties that are subject to Article 4 Directions. It will be important to ensure that any new development makes a positive contributions to the Conservation Areas and reflects local character.

  4. PPG3 (Housing) requires an average of 1.5 car parking spaces per dwelling in residential areas and this can be achieved outside the Conservation Areas. Within the Conservation Areas, the primary aim is to conserve or enhance the character or appearance of the conservation area and this means that imaginative solutions will be required in order to provide sufficient car parking.

    Reason: Bollington faces severe pressures on parking space due to the large number of terraced cottages facing directly on to the pavement. Residents (often two car families) park on the narrow streets. The parking restricts traffic flow. It will be important to ensure new development doesn’t exacerbate the parking problems.

  5. Where the existing site is Green Belt no building development will be permitted unless it is in accordance with PPG2: Green Belt and Policy GC1 of the Local Plan.

    Reason: Bollington is surrounded by Green Belt and a key objective of the Parish Plan is to retain the character and separate identity of the town by preserving the Green Belt.

  6. Areas of recreational land and open space will be protected from development.

    Reason: One of the key objectives of the Bollington Parish Plan is to preserve the remaining existing green open spaces within the town.

  7. Where the existing site is from redundant community use such as churches or public buildings, where there is demand, the re-use for alternative community uses is desirable. The best use of historic buildings is usually the original use but where that use has ceased then uses which will guarantee the upkeep of the building are desirable. For more modern community buildings any use is suitable subject to amenity and car parking.

    Reason: It is important to retain some community buildings in Bollington. If the community buildings are of historic interest it is important that the buildings are retained.

  8. Only development which preserves or enhances the character or appearance of Bollington’s Conservation Areas will be allowed in or adjoining the Conservation Areas. Any highway works and the provision of street furniture should seek to be in keeping with the Conservation Area, particularly with regard to quality of design and materials.

    Reason: Bollington contains 4 Conservation Areas and a number of properties that are subject to Article 4 Directions. It will important to ensure that any new development makes a positive contribution to the Conservation Areas and reflects local character.

Page last reviewed: 11 July 2023