Adult carer health and wellbeing

View adult carer health and wellbeing services
Choices for care

Choices for Care

If you would like information and advice about what support is available for carers without going through a full carer’s assessment, please visit our Choices for Care page.

Choices for Care, provides you with online support to help you to identify the support you need. This includes relevant services from the Live Well directory.

You can also choose to submit the information you provide to the Council’s Adult Social Care service, who will then contact you to consider your situation further.

Ask your GP if they record the names of carers. Those that do help by:

  • making sure you receive information about the help and support that is available
  • referring you to organisations which support carers and their families
  • offering you appointment times to fit in with your caring role
  • understand the impact on you and the person you care for if you are ill
  • complete a health check to see if caring for someone is affecting your own health
  • give you a flu jab

Speak to your GP surgery to find out what help and support is available locally.

CarersUK provide further information and carers’ health and wellbeing.

Safeguarding carers

We know that the situations carers face can sometimes create unbearable stresses and strains, and sometimes result in safeguarding issues. It is important that carers understand what abuse is and recognise types of abuse. The main aim of safeguarding is to ensure that the user and carer is kept safe and secure, and involvement from the Council, health or other organisations must be supportive, offering practical assistance for carers where required.

Organisations work in partnership to identify and respond to any carers who are suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm and to protect them from this harm. All professionals working with families are required to be extra vigilant, especially in relation to ‘Hidden Carers’. Further information is available on from Cheshire East Adults Safeguarding Board.

The Care Act also embeds the Principles of Making Safeguarding Personal.  Adults at risk and carers should feel that their views and wishes are taken into account at all times, and be included and involved at all stages of the Safeguarding Process. People who are unable to make their wishes known or lack mental capacity will be supported by Advocacy services

Page last reviewed: 05 June 2024

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