Do you need help communicating?

View services to help you to communicate

Some people need additional support to communicate what they are thinking or feeling. Receiving this is important as it can help ensure that the person has choice and control over the care and support they receive.

Learning Disability

If an adult or child has communication difficulties then Makaton may help. This is a set of symbols and signs which provides a visual way to help develop communication skills.

There are also a number of Android and iPhone apps which can help with communication. This includes Let Me Talk and MyChoicePad (iPhone only). 

Sensory Impairment

Having a sensory impairment can also cause problems with communication.

Advice and equipment is available for people with a hearing impairment from the Deafness Support Network. This includes equipment to improve access to the door bell/television/telephone etc.

The Council also has an in-house Visual Impairment Team which can provide advice to people with a Visual Impairment. They also provide technical assessments for equipment.


The Alzheimer’s Society provide advice on communicating with someone who has Dementia.

Page last reviewed: 02 August 2024

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