Activities and information - Tegg's Nose Country Park

Car park

Opening hours

The car park is open 24 hours a day. Charges apply between 10.00am and 10.00pm. No overnight parking permitted.

Car Park Charges

Please make sure that you have the correct change for the ticket machine as the machine does not give change. You can also pay for parking using card, contactless or with PayByPhone.

PayByPhone allows you to pay for your parking without having to visit a parking meter - you just need a mobile phone and a payment card. The Tegg's Nose Country Park PayByPhone location number is 804704.

Car park charges
Car park permit typeCharges
Up to 30 minutes Free
1 hour £1.30
1 to 3 hours £2.50
3 to 10 hours £3.70
Blue badge holders Free

Annual permit for the car park


An annual permit which allows the holder to park a vehicle in this car park and at the car parks at both Nelson Pit Visitor Centre and Brereton Heath Local Nature Reserve


How to apply for a Tegg's Nose Country Park parking permit

Annual parking permits, solely for use at Tegg's Nose Country Park, can be purchased online via the apply for a countryside parks parking permit

To find out how we use your information see our privacy notice (opens in a new window).

Your new parking permit will be posted out to you. You must continue to pay for your parking at the pay and display machine until you receive your permit.

Or, using the same form you can apply for an annual permit, which allows the holder to park a vehicle at Tegg's Nose Country Park car park and at the car parks at both Nelson Pit Visitor Centre and Brereton Heath Local Nature Reserve.

Existing permit holders also need to apply for a countryside parks parking permit if they wish to renew their permit.

Before applying for a parking permit, please review the parking permit terms and conditions.

What to do if you change one (or both) of the vehicles shown on your Annual Parking Permit

Please send your existing parking permit, together with a covering letter giving details of the new registration number(s) and the one(s) which has/have been replaced, to:

Technical Support Officer
Cheshire East Borough Council 
Countryside Ranger Service
Floor 2
Old Building
Municipal Buildings
Earle Street

There is no charge for this and the new (replacement) permit which will have the same expiry date as your existing one.

Enclose a stamped addressed envelope for your new permit to be sent to you, as we are unable to pay return postage.


There is no cycling within Tegg's Nose Country Park, however the 'Grit and Gears II' mountain bike ride begins from the main car park and takes you on an alternative challenging route over wild terrain. Highlights include the bridleway ride to Danebower Hollow from the Cat and Fiddle pub, the beautiful descent through the Cumberland Brook valley and leisurely ride along Wildboarclough.

If you are visiting the park, or Tegg's Nose Tea Room, there are bike racks available, next to the visitor centre, which will allow you to lock up your bike as needed.

Tegg's Nose Visitor Centre

There is a Visitor Centre at the main car park, which provides shelter (handy for changing wet boots at the end of a walk!), toilets, leaflets and information panels about the park.

Climbing and abseiling at Tegg's Nose

Climbing and Abseiling facilities in the quarry are available for use by groups and individuals in the area of the quarry hole, where there is a fixed belay rail. Climbing is not permitted in other parts of the quarry.

Because of limited space both at the top and base of the climbing wall, we operate a booking system to try to prevent too many people using the wall at any time. Groups or individuals who want to use the climbing facilities should initially complete the appropriate booking form and then send it to the email address at the bottom of this page.

In the case of organised groups we are obliged to check qualifications and insurance of instructors, as detailed in the booking form, and paper copies should be sent to the Rangers office. Please ring the Ranger office on 01625 374833 for more information.


Orienteering is an activity which takes place in a variety of locations all over the UK from local parks to woodlands and open country. It involves following a set route through the area concerned using a specially drawn, coloured map with considerable detail and information.

Tegg's Nose Country Park is host to a permanent orienteering course. Permanent Orienteering Courses are set up using wooden posts or plaques as control markers. There are usually short, easy courses for beginners with controls at path junctions. Further courses progress through a range of map reading skills to find controls a short distance from paths and finally in more remote locations.

You can do a Permanent Orienteering Course any time you wish simply by purchasing a Map which contains a map and instructions. You will also need a pen, outdoor clothing and trainers. No other costs are involved. Maps packs can be purchased from the Ranger on site or prior to your visit via the Greater Manchester Orienteering Activities website. Maps cost £1.75 to purchase. You can also purchase a map on site at the Tegg's Nose Tea Room.

The full details of the Permanent Orienteering Course within the park can be found on the Tegg's Nose Country Park listing page on the Greater Manchester Orienteering Activities website.

Tegg's Nose - Regionally Important Geological / 
Geomorphological Site (RIGS)

Tegg's Nose has been designated as a Regionally Important Geological/Geomorphological Site or RIGS. More information on RIGS can be found on the Natural England website.

Tegg's Nose rocks! Geology trail

Take a walk around the summit of Tegg's Nose Country Park and learn some rocky facts

Get rocking with some amazing geological facts along the Tegg's Nose Rocks Trail. The Tegg's Nose Rocks Trail is a circular walk around Tegg's Nose summit and quarries and is approximately 3.2 km / 2 miles long. The points of interest are numbered on the map on the back of the leaflet and on the trail by a marker post at each location.

Danny The Dragonfly

The Trail will take you about 1 hour to complete, unless you linger longer to ponder on some of the amazing facts behind the features in the landscape. You can pick up the trail leaflet in the Tegg's Nose Country Park visitors centre or download it - Tegg's Nose Rocks leaflet (PDF, 1.57MB).

For younger visitors to the park we have provided an alternative trail, using the same marker posts, for them to follow. Help 'Danny the Dragonfly' find the missing word on the 'Tegg's Nose Rocks! Letter Hunt'. The A4 letter hunt can be collected from the visitors centre or you can downloaded it - Tegg's Nose Rocks! Letter Hunt (PDF, 771KB).

Launched in 2013, this self guided trail around the summit of Tegg's Nose Country Park was part funded by the Geologists Association's 'Curry Fund'. The Curry Fund exists to support a variety of causes such as facilitating geological publications, including film, video and television productions, geological conservation.

Tegg's Nose armchair walks

Now available to download - The Tegg's Nose Armchair Walks are for people who enjoy the countryside but are not able to easily get out, or perhaps for everyone on a dark winters evening.

Relax on a comfy chair and listen to Cheshire East Countryside Rangers describe Tegg’s Nose Country Park, its views, geology and wildlife.

After downloading transfer to a portable media player using appropriate software or listen via software on your computer. 

Contact Ranger service

For Middlewood Way, Jacksons’ Brickworks, Poynton Coppice and Poynton Park: phone 01625 383700

For Tegg’s Nose Country Park: phone 01625 374833

For Lindow Common or Macclesfield Riverside Park: phone 01625 374790

For Brereton Heath Local Nature Reserve, Dane-In-Shaw Pasture SSSI, Croxton Park, Biddulph Valley Way, Timbersbrook Picnic Area, Salt Line, Borrow Pit Meadows and Rode Heath Rise: phone 01477 534115

For Astbury Mere Country Park, Merelake Way and Wheelock Rail Trail: phone 01260 297237

For Gritstone Trail: phone 01270 686029

Page last reviewed: 03 June 2024