Countryside site annual parking permits terms and conditions

The below terms, conditions relate to the annual parking permits issued for the following sites (including the multi-site permit):

  • Tegg's Nose Country Park, Macclesfield
  • Brereton Heath Local Nature Reserve, Congleton
  • Nelson Pit Visitor Centre, Macclesfield (available as part of the multi-site permit)

Permits can be purchased online by completing the apply for a countryside parks parking permit. The form will take 5 minutes to complete.

Apply for a countryside parks parking permit 

To find out how we use your information see our countryside car parking permits privacy notice.

Terms and Conditions

  • The annual permit (hereinafter referred to as “permit”) is valid for one calendar year from the date of issue.
  • Payment for the permit is to be made via our online form. Use of the permit will be considered as an acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.
  • The permit is valid for one vehicle only parking at any one time, but may be used by one additional car belonging to a member of the same household, providing that both vehicle registrations are registered at time of application.
  • The date of issue shall be the date on which the Council issues the permit. For the avoidance of doubt, it is not the date on which you apply for the permit. The charge for the permit shall reflect those charges that are effect on the date of issue.
  • The permit must be displayed prominently when parking in the car park at the site or sites specified on your purchased permit. A driver of a vehicle which is not displaying a permit must purchase a ticket from the pay and display machine in accordance with the scale of charges.
  • Holders of permits who are issued with a Penalty Charge Notice because they have failed to display either their permit or a valid ticket from the pay and display machine are liable to pay the Penalty Charge Notice.
  • Permits are not transferable.
  • Permits are only valid for the controlled hours of each specified car park. Specified hours are detailed below. There is no overnight parking allowed at any of the above countryside sites.
  • Charges for annual permits:
Annual parking permit costs for each countryside site
Countryside SitePermit TypeCharge
Tegg's Nose Country Park (Controlled hours - 10.00am to 10.00pm Monday to Sunday). £47.00
Brereton Heath Local Nature Reserve (Controlled hours - 8.45am each day closes at 5.00pm during the winter, and 8.30pm during British Summer Time). Standard £53.20
Canoe/Fishing Club Member* £34.40
Multi-site permit (An annual permit which allows the holder to park a vehicle at Nelson Pit Visitor Centre, Tegg’s Nose Country Park and Brereton Heath Local Nature Reserve car parks). Nelson Pit controlled hours are 9.00am to 9.00pm Monday to Sunday. Standard £73.40

(*an image of membership document is required at time of application)

  • If you no longer require the permit, a pro rata refund will be given on surrender of the permit at a rate of one twelfth of the original charge, for each complete month that the permit is no longer required. There will be a charge of £10.00 to cover administration costs. 
  • Permits which have become damaged will be replaced free of charge only if the damaged permit accompanies a written request for a replacement.
  • Please note that there is a £10.00 administrative charge for amending incorrect details provided in the online application form.
  • Permits that are lost or stolen will be replaced. A new permit, valid for the remaining months of the original permit, will be provided at a cost of £10.00 to cover administration costs.
  • Written requests for pro rata refund, amendments to incorrect details provided on the online application form and replacement permits should be sent to the below address along with a cheque (made payable to ‘Cheshire East Borough Council’) for any administration fee specified above: Countryside Ranger Service, 2nd Floor, Municipal Buildings, c/o Delamere House, Delamere Street, Crewe, CW1 2LL. Include a stamped addressed envelope with any request for a replacement permit.
  • Disabled badge holders do not require a permit or pay and display ticket, on the condition that the official disabled badge is displayed prominently for the duration of the parking period. Disabled badge holders who are issued with a Penalty Charge Notice because they have failed to display their disabled badge, or have not displayed it prominently, are liable to pay the Penalty Charge Notice.
  • The Council reserves the right not to issue a permit.
  • The permit remains the property of Cheshire East Council and must be surrendered upon request.
  • Vehicles must be parked in a marked bay (where applicable) and for no longer than the permitted length of time (where applicable).
  • All other terms and conditions of use of the parking space remain enforceable.
  • Renewals should be applied for at least 4 weeks prior to the current expiry date shown on the permit.

Page last reviewed: 31 January 2025