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Latest Cheshire East Council media releases
Media release - 10/01/2025
10/01/2025 - Cheshire East, Cheshire West and Warrington councils ask government to be considered for devolution priority programme
Cheshire East, Cheshire West and Warrington councils ask government to be considered for devolution priority programme
Media release - 07/01/2025
07/01/2025 - Plans to preserve Macclesfield's West Park Museum collection for future generations
Plans to preserve the future of an important local museum collection are in progress
Media release - 07/01/2025
07/01/2025 - Businesses back council's funding bid for Middlewich Eastern Bypass
Businesses in the Middlewich area have written to the Government expressing their 'collective support' for the scheme
Information bulletin - 06/01/2025
06/01/2025 - Cheshire East Council to mark Holocaust Memorial Day
Cheshire East Council will hold a service of remembrance to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day
Media release - 02/01/2025
02/01/2025 - Cheshire East Council publishes latest financial forecasts
The council has published its latest financial forecasting – showing funding gaps of £18.3m for the current financial year and £25.3m for 2025-26
Statement - 23/12/2024
23/12/2024 - New Homes Bonus
The provisional New Homes Bonus allocation has been announced as part of the Local Government Finance Settlement
Media release - 23/12/2024
23/12/2024 - Cheshire East Highways team conquers Three Peaks for Cancer Research UK
A cheque for almost £4,500 was handed over to Cancer Research UK
Media release - 20/12/2024
20/12/2024 Cheshire East Council supports Crewe families with food hampers this Christmas
Schools across Crewe are set to brighten the festive season by distributing free healthy food hampers to families in Crewe.
Media release - 19/12/2024
19/12/2024 - Cheshire East Council seeks residents' feedback on budget planning
The council wants residents to share their views on setting a budget that safeguards essential services while maintaining the council's financial health
Statement - 17/12/2024
17/12/2024 - Devolution joint statement
Joint statement on devolution
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