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Latest Cheshire East Council media releases
Media release - 04/11/2024
04/11/2024 Ofsted inspection finds council skills and lifelong learning service continues to be 'good
An Ofsted inspection of Cheshire East Council's skills and lifelong learning has found it continues to maintain a 'good' service according to a report.
Media release - 28/10/2024
28/10/2024 - Young people's discounted bus travel trial launched today
The 16-19 bus saver card offers a third off the standard adult fare
Media release - 24/10/2024
24/10/2024 - Cheshire East takes a stand for healthier communities with new advertising policy
Cheshire East Council has taken the bold move to restrict unhealthy food and drink advertising on council-owned spaces
Media release - 23/10/2024
23/10/2024 - VCFSE organisations and town and parish councils benefit from government funding
Cheshire East Council has awarded 30 grants to Voluntary, Community, Faith, Sector, Enterprise (VCFSE) organisations and town and parish councils
Media release - 22/10/2024
22/10/2024 Cheshire East Council to share over £2m to support residents struggling with cost of living
Cheshire East Council to share over £2m to support residents struggling with cost of living
Media release - 17/10/2024
17/10/2024 - Cheshire East sends out strong signal to out-of-town taxi drivers
Successful prosecution of out-of-town taxi driver 'plying for trade'
Media release - 17/10/2024
Fostering is...Everything
New fostering film 'Everything' launched which shows the positive impact fostering can have
Media release - 16/10/2024
16/10/2024 - Council approves new senior management structure
Cheshire East Council has approved plans for the first phase of senior management restructuring
Media release - 07/10/2024
07/10/2024 - Garden waste scheme opens for renewals and new subscribers
Subscriptions to renew or sign up for the first time to Cheshire East Council's Garden Waste Recycling Scheme are now open
Media release - 02/10/2024
02/10/2024 - Food businesses urged by council to post hygiene ratings on websites
New campaign urging businesses to post hygiene rating on their website launched
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