A new local plan for Cheshire East
A local plan sets out how development (such as homes, business growth and infrastructure) should take place in the future. It also contains policies to help protect and enhance the environment, and contribute to creating attractive places where people can live active and healthy lives. Its policies are used to make decisions on planning applications. Our current local plan covers the period from 2010 to 2030, but we have started to prepare its replacement now because of changes to national planning policy, the requirement to review plans regularly, and the long time it takes to prepare a new plan.
Consultation on the issues
We consulted on an issues paper as the first important step in producing a new local plan. This set out a number of issues that we think the new local plan should consider. The consultation provided an opportunity to tell us what issues you think the plan should address and how it can help tackle local priorities.
We also sought views on some supporting reports that will help to inform future stages of the new local plan, and asked people to submit sites that they consider are suitable and available for future development.
The consultation ran from 8th April to 1st July 2024 and has now ended. Information from the consultation remains available for viewing under each of the headings below.
The following checkboxes are used for accordion drop-downs. When selected, they show content that was visually hidden
The issues paper is organised under various subject areas, and asks a number of questions for each subject. We have also produced a separate topic paper for each subject area to provide further background information.
- Consultation document: Issues paper for the new local plan (PDF, 886KB)
- Background topic papers:
- Responding to the climate emergency topic paper (PDF, 531KB)
- Healthy and safe communities topic paper (PDF, 398KB)
- Design topic paper (PDF, 341KB)
- Our natural environment topic paper (PDF, 347KB)
- Homes for everyone topic paper (PDF, 441KB)
- Town centres and retail topic paper (PDF, 467KB)
- Jobs, skills and economy topic paper (PDF, 396KB)
- Transport and infrastructure topic paper (PDF, 376KB)
- Historic environment topic paper (PDF, 360KB)
- Towns and villages topic paper (PDF, 467KB)
- Rural matters topic paper (PDF, 545KB)
- Minerals topic paper (PDF, 517KB)
- Waste topic paper (PDF, 351KB)
You can also view the issues paper consultation document and view the responses submitted using our consultation portal:
View responses online
We are currently logging and considering all the responses submitted.
We also sought views on some draft reports that will help to inform future stages of the new local plan, including:
We are currently logging and considering all the responses submitted.
Alongside the consultation on the issues paper and supporting reports, we are also invited landowners, developers, local residents and other parties to put forwards sites that they consider are suitable and available for future development.
You can find further information on the "call for sites" on our consultation portal. There were separate forms for different types of sites:
We are currently logging and considering all the sites submitted.
Further information
For further information or assistance, please contact the Strategic Planning Team by email localplan@cheshireeast.gov.uk or telephone 01270 685893.
Page last reviewed: 02 July 2024
Thank you for your feedback.