Cheshire East Budget Report 2011/2012 - Shaping Our Services
Budget and Council Tax Set for 2011/2012
Cheshire East Council approved its Budget for 2011/2012 on 24 February 2011.
The result is a Budget of £249m and a Band D Council Tax of £1,216.34. This represents no change from last year as a result of the offer of Government funding to freeze Council Tax levels.
Budget setting was managed through the Council’s Business Planning Process and represents the results of eight months of intensive work by elected members and officers.
Key challenges included :
- The considerable changes in the level and structure of Government grant funding resulting in the loss of £8.5m of grant,
- Meeting significant demographic pressures in services to Children and Adults,
- Continuing to fund priority areas and protect vital services,
- Maintaining the Council's reserves,
- Further work to generate efficiencies in support services and across the organisation.
Budget Report
In January 2011 the Council undertook a series of stakeholder engagement events based on the Pre Budget Report. Feedback from those events was reported to Council and will assist with implementing the proposals in the final report.
A PDF version of the Budget Book is available for download. Work is ongoing to allocate cross – cutting savings across services, and to provide additional analysis of subjective budget headings for expenditure and income types. This document will therefore be updated and further pages will be added to this document as and when more detailed information becomes available.
The Budget Report approved by Council remains available for download using the links below.
This updates the position for the latest information and provides additional details of the impact of the budget and the Council's Reserves Strategy.
Budget Book
A PDF version of the Budget Book is available for download. Work is ongoing to allocate cross – cutting savings across services, and to provide additional analysis of subjective budget headings for expenditure and income types. This document will therefore be updated and further pages will be added to this document as and when more detailed information becomes available.
You can download the Budget Book 2011-12 updated 4 July 2011(PDF, 3.1MB)
Cheshire East Council - Pre Budget Report 2011/2012
Cheshire East Council must continue to provide high quality services to local residents and businesses. A key step is to set a balanced budget.
The Council is facing financial pressures arising from:
- The national deficit reduction policy which is reducing funding levels available to the public sector.
- Demographic changes leading to increased service requirements
- Higher numbers of young people needing protection.
- The impact of severe winters on the road network.
- In year spending pressures.
- Legislative and best practice impacts on service delivery.
The Council has limited income sources and operates a Business Planning Process to manage reductions in funding and ensure our limited resources are used effectively to meet our priorities and desired performance levels.
In January 2011 the Council released the Pre Budget Report for 2011/2012 (PDF, 547KB).
This set out the changes that will be made to revenue and capital budgets to manage the above pressures while ensuring key services are maintained and improved.
The Council is focusing on its key priority areas and once again looking at "support" service areas to generate major savings to protect front line services.
The Pre Budget Report was used as the basis of an engagement exercise in January and February 2011. Partners and stakeholders were invited to the events and had the opportunity to discuss the proposals and help the Council understand how their impact can be managed.
Page last reviewed: 17 June 2024
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