Cheshire East A-level students chalk up exceptional successes following results day
18 August 2023
A-Level students in Cheshire East have once again chalked up impressive results that are above the national average.
The borough’s students received their results on Thursday morning, showing that collectively, they have achieved a provisional pass rate of 98.3 per cent, which is above the national average of 97.2 per cent.
The further breakdown of grades shows that the proportion of students achieving grades A* to A was 24.4 per cent, which is higher than the proportion nationally and well over half (50.6 per cent) achieved an A* to B grade.
The council, as corporate parents for our cared for children, are delighted to see the results of this cohort of children with many accepting university places today evidencing the commitment and dedication demonstrated by our young people across the borough.
These results are reflective of the hard work shown once again from students not only during the exam period, but over the years leading up to these results.
Seeing such students now progressing to university courses highlights the commitment of our young people to succeed and aspire to the next phase of their educational journey.
Councillor Carol Bulman, lead member for children and families at Cheshire East Council, said: “With 2023 results reverting back to an exam-based approach rather than being assessment-based due to the covid-19 pandemic, this year was predicted to be one of the toughest for A-Level students in recent years, but our Cheshire East students have continued to collectively achieve very strong levels of performance.
“These fantastic results are an absolute credit to our young people and everyone who has worked tirelessly to support them, especially in the context of a turbulent few years with the education sector experiencing some of its biggest disruptions to date.
“I want to thank every student, their teachers and their families for showing amazing resolve and resilience to achieve these excellent results. I am so proud of their achievements.
"I wish our young people all the very best for the future, whether they are continuing their studies into further or higher education, apprenticeships or putting their first foot on the ladder in the workplace.”
Following results day, young people and their families can access local mental health and wellbeing support on the Cheshire East Council website, or access useful guidance to help them to decide on next steps within their career on the jobs and skills section for residents.
Support for cared for children and young people is available by contacting the Cheshire East Virtual School on 01625 374974 or 01625 374988.