Car Parks in Sandbach Cheshire

When charges apply

  • charges in most cases apply between 8.00am and 6.00pm Monday to Saturday inclusive - check each car park
  • all car parks free on Sundays
  • charges apply on all Bank Holidays except Christmas Day
  • some car parks always free

When regulations and conditions of use apply

Standard regulations and conditions apply to our car parks. Regulations relating to charges apply during charging hours. Other regulations and conditions of use apply at all times.

Location, prices and capacity

Sandbach car parks
Name/LocationPostcode*Height RestrictionMaximum StayMaximum
Brookhouse Road Car Park CW11 1HZ 2.3 metres 10 hours 147 Free
Chapel Street Car Park CW11 1DH 2.0 metres 10 hours 75 Free
Crown Bank Car Park CW11 1FW No 10 hours 11 Free
Hawk Street Car Park CW11 1FW No 10 hours 11 Free
Well Bank Car Park CW11 1FW No 10 hours 14 Free
Westfields Car Park CW11 5SL 2.2 metres 10 hours 95 Free

*Postcodes are provided as an indication of location only.

Scotch Common, Sandbach

Advisory signs have been erected indicating that the car park is intended as a shoppers car park, located as it is in the town centre. The signs advise that parking should be for no longer than 2 hours. Alternative parking is indicated on the signage (namely Westfields car park on Middlewich Road, Brookhouse Road car park and Chapel Street car park) where longer stay parking is more appropriate.

Contact Us

Parking Enquiries - Cheshire East Council

0300 123 5020

Page last reviewed: 11 September 2024