Car parks in Poynton Cheshire

When charges apply

  • charges in most cases apply between 8am and 6pm Monday to Saturday inclusive - check each car park
  • all car parks free on Sundays
  • charges apply on all bank holidays except Christmas Day
  • some car parks always free

When regulations and conditions of use apply

Standard regulations and conditions apply to our car parks. Regulations relating to charges apply during charging hours. Other regulations and conditions of use apply at all times.

Location, prices and capacity

Poynton car parks
Name/LocationPostcode*Maximum CapacityFees
Civic Hall car park SK12 1RB 204 Free

*Postcodes are provided as an indication of location only.

Nelson Pit, Higher Poynton

Car park charges

Nelson Pit operates a pay and display car parking system for all visitors. Please ensure that you have the correct change for the ticket machine as the machine does not give change.

Nelson Pit visitor centre car park charges

Park with Pay with RingGo

For season ticket applications please visit the Nelson Pit visitor centre web page.

Contact car parks

Parking Enquiries - Cheshire East Council

0300 123 5020

Page last reviewed: 16 October 2024