Local authority school governor nominations

Local authority governors are school governors nominated by the local authority. If you are a parent of a child at a school you can stand for election as a parent governor.

The process for appointing and nominating local authority governors to school and academy Governing Boards is agreed by the Council's Constitution Committee. The process is currently under revision, but complies with the School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations which came into force in September 2012.  Under these Regulations, a ‘local authority governor’ is a person who -

(a) is nominated by the local authority; and

(b) is appointed as a governor by the governing body having, in the opinion of the governing body, met any eligibility criteria that they have set.

The Local Authority School Governor Nomination Sub-Committee retains its responsibility to appoint to Academies where this is specified in the Academies Articles of Association and also where the LA has statutory intervention powers relating to schools in the Cheshire East Improving Outcomes Programme (IOP). 

The Local Authority School Governor Nomination Sub-Committee meets at least termly.  The clerk to governors, Headteacher and Chair of Governors of those schools with a LA governor vacancy are requested to provide any specific information and appointment criteria that may assist the nomination/appointment process and request any nomination the governing board wishes to make to the next meeting of the sub-committee.  Local members are also given the opportunity to recommend candidates for nomination to the sub-committee.  Where there is more than one application for a vacancy, all applications are given equal consideration by the sub-committee and a decision will be made in line with the agreed procedure, taking full account of any particular skills and attributes provided to the sub-committee by the school.

Authority Governors are not required to have a particular political affiliation.  If you are interested in becoming an LA Governor please complete a Local Authority Governor application form (MS Word,145KB) and email it to schoolgovernance@cheshireeast.gov.uk. Before completing the application form please read the accompanying guidance (PDF, 306KB).

You cannot become a local authority governor if you are generally ineligible to become a school governor.

Contact us

School Governance Team


0300 123 5036

School Governance
Floor 5, Delamere House
Delamere Street

Page last reviewed: 23 October 2023