Policy HOU 10: Backland development

Proposals for tandem or backland development will only be permitted where they:

  1. demonstrate a satisfactory means of access to an existing public highway in accordance with Policy INF 3 'Highway safety and access', that has an appropriate relationship with existing residential properties;
  2. do not cause unacceptable harm to the amenity of the residents of existing or proposed properties, in accordance with Policy HOU 12 'Amenity';
  3. are equal or subordinate in scale to surrounding buildings, particularly those fronting the highway; and
  4. are sympathetic to the character and appearance of the surrounding area through its form, layout, boundary treatments and other characteristics.

Supporting information

8.55 The council encourages the effective use of the finite land resource and recognises that land in the built framework of towns and villages can usefully contribute towards meeting housing need. However, badly planned backland development can create unsatisfactory living environments for existing and future residents. This policy seeks to avoid the undesirable cramming of new dwellings onto sites already occupied by existing buildings. Only where the site is large enough to accommodate additional dwellings without causing unacceptable harm to the amenities enjoyed by existing properties, and where an acceptable, separate means of access can be provided, would such a form of development be appropriate.

8.56 The relationship of the access with existing residential properties and the impacts on amenity will be considered with reference to Policy GEN 1 'Design principles' and Policy HOU 12 'Amenity'. Further guidance is also available in the Cheshire East Borough Design Guide supplementary planning document.

Policy information


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