Airport planning (Manchester Airport)

The majority of the airport operational area is in the City of Manchester, but part is in Cheshire East including the second runway area.

Sustainable development plan

The Manchester Airport Sustainable Development Plan 2016 sets out the strategic context for the long-term development of Manchester Airport. It comprises a high level summary and four detailed plans that deal with the Economy and Surface Access, Environment, Community and Land Use. These plans set out in greater detail how the airport will realise future opportunities and deal with the principal issues that are faced.

Future airspace

Manchester Airport is currently working on a Future Airspace programme to modernise the use of its airspace in response to the Department for Transport's Upgrading UK Airspace document. This is intended to utilise modern technology to increase capacity, upgrade the aircraft arrival and departure routes, and introduce flexibility to better manage noise impacts.

Manchester Airport transformation programme

Manchester Airport has announced a 10-year investment programme which will see over £1 billion spent on improving its facilities for the millions of passengers who visit every year.

Further information is available on the Manchester Airport Transformation Programme website.

Outreach sessions and community issues

Manchester Airport hold regular Community Outreach events, giving local people the opportunity to discuss issues with the airport's Community Relations Team. For further information on airport-related issues affecting local communities please see the Community Links pages on the Manchester Airport website.

Community trust fund

The Manchester Airport Community Trust Fund is used to support neighbourhood and community projects in the local area. It awards grants to local groups to benefit community projects. Further details can be found on the Manchester Airport Community Trust Fund webpage.

Page last reviewed: 09 October 2024