Survey image

Cheshire East Parent Carer Survey for Local Authority Staff

9 October 2020

Dear Colleague,

As part of our commitment to continuous quality improvement and coproduction we are currently planning and completing a lot of work in partnership with the Cheshire East Parent Carer Forum (CEPCF).

We will shortly be holding a Workshop on Coproduction facilitated by the Children’s Disability Council (CDC) which will support us to continue to develop this work Together.

The PCF has asked if staff working within the SEND Partnership can complete this short survey to understand what you know and feel about working with the PCF and to capture any suggestions for how this could be improved in the future.

Please can you complete the Parent Carer Forum Survey as a priority before Monday 19 October to ensure there is time to look at the results before the Workshop on 5 November 

The Workshop will be attended by the PCF and a small number of staff from health, education and care and will inform the next steps for this work.