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From the 19 of July 2021 there is no longer a legal requirement to wear a face covering in indoor settings or on public transport, although it is still recommended in crowded and enclosed spaces where you come into contact with people you don’t normally meet.
Some businesses and services, including public transport, may still ask you to wear a face covering. The exemptions for wearing a face covering for reasons relating to Autism such as sensory discomfort and difficulty communicating still apply.
Printing and carrying an exemption card such as this one (PDF, 207KB) may help when travelling in case you are questioned by staff.
Visiting Hospitals can be daunting for people on the Autism Spectrum and for those who care for them to relay the relevant and right information. These resources below can be helpful to Hospital staff to avoid repeated questions and queries on how best to support you during your stay in Hospital. These resources can be used at anytime, and is not specific just to Coronavirus.
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Page last reviewed: 17 September 2021
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