Public Health at Cheshire East Council

The role of Public Health is to reduce health inequalities and to support residents to live well and for longer. Health is shaped by where and how we live but also by our own individual choices.

The Cheshire East Public Health team is made up of 4 different strands which support this:

  • wider determinants: the wider influences on our health and wellbeing such as the environment around us
  • commissioning: the contracting and development of local services such as sexual health, health checks and substance misuse
  • intelligence: the interpretation of data-sets to indicate local need – commissioning decisions are led from this
  • business: the functions of governance, finance and asset management  

The Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board have a duty to produce a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for their area. The JSNA  identifies health and social care needs and ensures that public health services and interventions reflect the needs of residents.

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Key documents can be found on these pages:

Page last reviewed: 22 July 2024

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