Library fees and charges

All charges apply from 1st April 2024.

Payments can be made in person at your library.

You may be eligible for a Cheshire Leisure Card. If not, you can get the same discounts with a Library Discount Card. Ask your library for details or check online.

Reservation charges

You can make reservations online or in person at a library.

A hold fee will be applied when you collect your items. The appropriate charges will also be applied if you do not collect your holds. Your holds can be cancelled by contacting your local library or by e-mailing us.

  • items obtained within Cheshire -  £1.20 (90p Cheshire Leisure Card/Discount Card), no charge for children under 19
  • items obtained from a UK lending library outside Cheshire - £4.00
  • items obtained from the British Library -  £18.85, renewals £6.25 and replacement £185.50
  • print copies of journal articles - £13.20 (copyright charge may also apply).
  • electronic journal articles by email -  £6.70 (copyright charge may also apply)
  • scanned journal articles by email - £11.70 (copyright charge may also apply)
  • Talking books, language courses and large print books for borrowers who have difficulty reading print or handling books - no reservation charge
  • Memory Box loans - £10.00 for 3 weeks
  • Play set reservations  -  £1.20 per copy
  • Reading Group collection - £90.00 a year

Multimedia loan charges

Visually impaired borrowers and those who have difficulty in handling books are not charged for the loan of talking books, language courses and large print books.

Multimedia Loan Charges
ItemStandard chargeCharge with Cheshire Leisure Card/Discount Card  
Talking books and language courses on CD - adult

£2.30 - 3 week loan 

Free if you have difficulty reading print or handling books

£1.30 - 3 week loan
Talking books and language courses on CD - child under 19 (if using child ticket) 50p - 3 week loan  30p - 3 week loan
Music scores and choral sets (for up to 4 months) - charges will sometimes be higher (for example, for loans exceeding 4 months, or where necessary to cover additional costs) but only by prior agreement

£1.20 per  score

£34 per set


No discount


For items borrowed for children on an adult ticket, you pay the adult rate.

Charges for overdue items

If you have set an alert for email reminders of items due back but do not get an email you must still pay any overdue charge.

Overdue book charges

Overdue book charges
BorrowerStandard charge for each item for each day overdueCharge with Cheshire Leisure Card/Discount Card 
Adult 25p, up to a maximum of £10.00  10p, up to a maximum of £5
Child under 5 (if using child ticket) No charge Not applicable
Child aged 5 or over and under 19 (if using child ticket) 5p, up to a maximum of £1.00  5p, up to a maximum of £1.00
For children's books borrowed on an adult ticket, you pay the adult rate.

Overdue multimedia charges

Overdue multimedia charges
BorrowerStandard charge for each item for each day overdueCharge with Cheshire Leisure Card/Discount Card
Adult 50p, up to a maximum of £10.00  40p, up to a maximum of £5
Child under 19 (if using child ticket) 25p, up to a maximum of £5.00  15p, up to a maximum of £4.00

For children's items borrowed on an adult ticket, you pay the adult rate.

Lost and damaged items

Minimum charge for any one item  -  £3.00.

Administrative charge deducted from any refunds given when you find and return a lost item -  £3.00.

Contact your library to report a lost or damaged item, in person or by phone.

Computer bookings

Computer bookings charges
ItemStandard chargeCharge with Cheshire Leisure Card/Discount card
Computer bookings for Cheshire Library members

Free for first hour each day.

£1.00 for an extra 15 minutes

£2.50 for adults and £1.25 for children (under 19) for each further hour


Free for first hour each day.

£1.25 for each additional hour

Computer bookings for non-members £2.50 for each hour or part of an hour for adults, £1.25 for children (under 19) Not applicable
Headphones £3.50 Not applicable
USB memory stick £5.00
Printing per page (black and white) 20p 20p
Printing per page (colour)


50p for children



Black and white: 20p per side of A4 or 50p per side of A3 (where available). 

Colour: £1.00 per side of A4 or £2.00 per side of A3 (where available). 

Lost library cards

Adult cards - £2.00

Child cards - £1.00

Meeting room hire

Library meeting rooms for hire are banded from A to C. Please contact the individual library in person, by phone or email to book their meeting room.

Band A is our largest room, the Cheshire Suite at Macclesfield Library. Band B meeting rooms have a dedicated kitchen area and equipment such as a projection screen. Band C meeting rooms are smaller spaces with less equipment.

The following hourly rates apply for each band on weekdays before 10.00pm:

  • Band A £40.00 per hour
  • Band B £20.00 per hour
  • Band C £10.00 per hour

There will be a premium charge for bookings outside our published opening hours at weekends and on weekdays after 10.00pm:

  • Band A premium rate £60.00 per hour
  • Band B premium rate £30.00 per hour
  • Band C premium rate £15.00 per hour

We give a discount of 15% for block bookings of 6 or more meetings paid in advance.

The IT Suite at Macclesfield Library is  £20.00 per hour.

For bookings cancelled with less than 48 hours notice, the full hire charge is payable.

Page last reviewed: 02 September 2024