Public right of way temporary closures

Under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the Council has the power to make temporary traffic regulation orders to restrict or prohibit the use of a Public Right of Way. There are a number of different temporary closures that can be made:

  • temporary closure order, up to 6 months
  • temporary closure for works, up to 5 days
  • emergency closure due to danger to the public not attributable to works, up to 21 days
  • temporary closure for a sporting or special event or entertainment, up to 3 days

Landowners or people undertaking works in the vicinity of a Public Right of Way, such as utility companies or contractors, can apply to the Council for a temporary closure. There is an administration fee to cover the full costs of making a closure and the applicant must also cover the advertising costs for a closure order. If the landowner or people undertaking the works do not apply for a closure, they may be liable for any injury or accident occurring to a member of the public using the Public Right of Way.

The process for temporary closures is outlined below:

  • application form submitted following discussion with officer
  • officer assesses need and alternative arrangements
  • closure notice or order is made and advertised, if necessary
  • closure notices remain on site for duration of closure

Full details of the legal process and application forms can be provided on request. For further information contact the Public Paths Orders Officer in the Public Rights of Way team. Details of the administration fee for temporary closures are available in the Public Rights of Way Charging Policy (PDF, 80KB).

Notices for current temporary closure orders of 6 months or longer

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There are no path closures at present
There are no path closures at present
There are no path closures at present
There are no path closures at present
There are no path closures at present

Accessibility statement

Because of the nature of Public Rights of Way closure documents, it is not possible in all cases to make them fully accessible. Should you require assistance to access the data contained in the PDF documents, please contact the Public Rights of Way team who will endeavour to provide assistance.

Long term closures

Sometimes environmental, legal or other reasons mean that a Public Right of Way has to be closed to the public for a long period of time. The table below shows information on the current long-standing closures and issues on Public Rights of Way in Cheshire East:

Public rights of way - reason for closures and progress on resolution
PROWReason for closureUpdate/progress towards resolution
Brereton BR31 A temporary closure is in place as the route is not passable following further river erosion.

An initial options report has been drawn up.  Legal support has been commissioned to progress options.  The preferred option has been identified and the Legal department of the Council has written to interest parties to open formal negotiations.  Meetings are being sought to discuss proposals.

Rainow FP37 A temporary closure order is in place due to a major landslip.

A diversion proposal has been identified and agreed with an adjacent landowner in order to remove the footpath from the vicinity of the landslip.  User groups are in support of the proposal and the diversion order will be processed as soon as possible.

Tabley Superior RB4 and
Mere RB2

Damaged in road traffic accident on M6

National Highways approached following withdrawal of HS2 project. They intend to carry out surveys, optioneering and preliminary design in 2025/2026, undertake detailed design of the preferred option in 2026/2027 and construction in 2027/2028, subject to funding and Government policy.

Page last reviewed: 27 February 2024