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Jobs and Careers
Supported Employment
Employing someone with a disability
Employing someone with a disability
Supported Employment and helping you as an employer
our Work Placement Officers create a strong in depth relationship with all of our customers and employers
we set up placements and work experience to ensure our customers are “work ready”
we will offer on the job training
it is a free service
How employing someone with a disability can help you and your business
reduced staff turnover (there is evidence that people with disabilities are known to stay in their employment, and have less time off sick)
some disabilities can be turned to an advantage (skills may be stronger in other areas)
obtaining a diverse workforce resulting in a better public image
reduced time and money spent on recruitment
access to the widest pool of skills and attributes
Making a difference to a person’s life
social inclusion
improving self worth
increasing independence
offering an opportunity
Contact us
Supported Employment - Cheshire East Council
01260 375468
Supported Employment Services
Macclesfield Town Hall
Market Place
SK10 1EA
Page last reviewed: 28 September 2021
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