Maw Green Road
Maw Green Road passes beneath a railway line leading into Crewe and has flooded at least three times over the last five years resulting in road closures. The flooding at this location is a combination of rainfall, surface water from local drainage and ordinary watercourses and water from Fowle Brook (Main River).

What are we doing?
The Council secured funding from the department for transport and has investigated the feasibility to reduce the magnitude and frequency of the highway flooding at this location on Maw Green Road.
The scoping study has been undertaken. This identifies five potential options to reduce the magnitude and frequency of flooding at this location.
The feasibility study has also been undertaken and options are currently being investigated.
Further topographic survey of the highway and a cleanse and CCTV camera survey of the highway drainage and drainage connected to the landfill took place in July 2022. While the road closure was in place we undertook local drainage maintenance and vegetation clearance.
Subject to landowner agreement, Environment Agency consent, and planning permissions, the very earliest date for any works would be Winter 2024.
Why is this such a long process?
Owing to the nature and location of the scheme there a number of key considerations, permissions an consents that need to be understood and obtained:
- Planning Permission
- Contaminated Land
- Hydraulic consents (Approval needed from the EA to ensure no increased risk to property up/downstream)
- Hydraulic Modelling needed to ensure no increase in flood risk to property up/downstream
- Land take (volume of land required to store water prior to pumping)
- Land Owners permission (Cheshire East Council do not own the land in question)
- Whole life costs including maintenance regime
- Power supply / operation
- Construction costs (increased post covid)
- Local infrastructure / services
Is my property at risk of flooding?
To find out about the risk of flooding, please check both surface water and fluvial flood risk at your location.
The government advice is that property owners in flood risk areas install property flood resilience products in advance of flooding and sign up to the free flood warning service to received alerts and warnings: sign up for flood warnings.
Where can I find out more about responsibilities for managing rivers and watercourses?
For more details please see guidance owning a watercourse.
Further advice on the Councils approach to managing these watercourses can also be found on the Flood risk management page.
Page last reviewed: 28 June 2023
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