Weed control

We are responsible for weed control on roads, footways and paved areas on all adopted roads in Cheshire East

Routine weed control

We have an annual weed spraying programme where we treat key areas of our adopted highway network. These areas include channels, the top of kerbs, the back of footways and alleyways (where it borders a wall or fence), footpaths and link paths. 

The 2024/25 programme will commence in August 2024. The programme is estimated to last around 9 weeks and will begin in the south of the borough and move northwards. Treatments are only effective in dry weather, rain and wet conditions may cause delays to the spraying programmes and change the location we treat. 

Our treatments usually only work on established plants and won’t stop new weeds from growing in the location we treat.

We use Glyphosate to treat most weeds and we strim around street furniture. Glyphosate is safe if used under manufacturer’s instructions and by trained personnel.

Problem weeds

We have a legal duty to control certain harmful and invasive weeds on the highway.

We treat invasive weeds where there is a risk to highway users, adjacent landowners, or livestock. This may be by a combination of repeated applications of weedkiller and removal by hand.

Where landowners or occupiers have invasive weeds on their property, they have a legal duty to control the weeds and stop them spreading. If they refuse, DEFRA (the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) can take appropriate action and charge the costs to the landowner or the occupier of the property.  

You can report any sightings of invasive weeds on the highway, which include:

Japanese knotweed

Japanese knotweed - we have a list of known Japanese knotweed locations and treat them every year as part of the programme.



Giant Hogweed

Giant hogweed


Broad Leaf


Curled Dock


Creeping Thistle


Spear Thistle

Report problem weeds

You can report problem weeds online.

Report problem weeds

Contact Highways

Report a problem online

If you consider a highways issue to be dangerous, or an emergency:

Call the Highways Customer Services Team on 0300 123 5020
during office hours 8:30am – 5:00pm

Call the Out of hours team on 0300 123 5025
after 5pm and before 8:30am, including weekends.

Floor 6
Delamere House

Delamere Street Crewe

Page last reviewed: 18 July 2024