Members' allowances

Cheshire East Council has adopted a Scheme of Members' Allowances for 2023/2024 (PDF, 604KB).

Allowances paid to councillors

In accordance with The Local Authorities (Members' Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003, the Council is required to produce a summary of the total amount of Allowances paid to Council Members (Councillors) during the previous financial year inclusive of payments as Directors of ASDV’s from 14/15 onwards.

Operating companies' payments to directors

Cheshire East Council’s alternative service delivery vehicles (ASDVs) have published details of payments to elected members who serve as directors.

ASDVs are companies, wholly-owned by the Council, which provide services for residents and are run on a day-to-day basis by their own boards of directors.

Elected members who perform the same role for Cheshire East and an  ASDV do not benefit twice, as the value of the company payment is offset against any special responsibility allowance (SRA) paid to them by the Council.

Full details of payments to elected members who serve as directors of ASDVs  for initial year of 2013/14

Independent remuneration panel

In accordance with the Local Authorities (Members' Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003, Cheshire East Council has appointed an Independent Remuneration Panel whose function is to advise the Council on its Members' Allowances scheme and the level of allowances to be paid. The Council must have regard to this advice before reviewing or amending its scheme.

Panel members are independent of the Council and they must have no connection to elected Members or be politically active. They are appointed for a four year term of office with the present Panel appointed to September 2023.

The Panel is chaired by Professor Steve Leach. The two other members are Mrs Jacquie Grinham and Mrs Mandy Ramsden. A meeting allowance may be claimed by the Chairman and Panel members.

Reports of the panel

The Panel carries out a review of the Scheme of Members' Allowances each year to ensure that it remains relevant and fit for purpose. It submits its reports (containing its recommendations) to Council. If you wish the Panel to consider your views please email Democratic Services.

Page last reviewed: 31 July 2024