Cheshire East Council's Budget Book 2012/2013

Details of service budgets are available in the Council’s Budget Book for 2012/2013. These PDF documents are updated periodically throughout the year to reflect changes to service budgets which have been agreed in line with the Finance and Contract Procedure Rules. The documents are not accessible to visitors using assistive technology, however please contact us you require them in an alternative accessible format . 

Budget book 2012/2013 Version 3

Version 3 of the Budget Book reflects changes to budgets in the Mid-Year Review of Performance report approved by Cabinet on 12 November.

  • Introduction and Summary Budgets Book V3 (PDF, 321KB)  provides summary tables showing the Council's revised revenue and capital budgets analysed at Directorate level.
  • Business Plan - Three Year Budgets V3 (PDF, 318KB)  detailed three year budget pages, including the Capital Programme, contained in the Council’s Business Plan approved in February 2012, are fully replicated here, but also reflect the additional £13,000 Library Book Fund adjustment that was agreed at Council. These pages are unchanged from Version 1.
  • Detailed Service Budgets V3 (PDF, 2.3MB)  This document contains clickable links for ease of use. The document analyses service revenue and capital budgets. Revenue budgets are analysed down to the sub-division of service level in the organisational structure, and also across types of expenditure and income (e.g. employees, supplies and services, grants etc). Version 3 now also contains details of capital projects at Service level.
  • Budget Book 2012- 2013 Frequently Asked Questions (PDF, 321KB)  information about the Budget Book and how the sections are related.

Budget book 2012/2013 Version 2

Version 2 of the Budget Book reflects changes to budgets in the First Quarter Review of Performance report approved by Cabinet on 20 August 2012.

Budget Book 2012/2013 Version 1

Cheshire East Council's Business Plan

Cheshire East Council’s Business Plan for 2012/2015 (PDF, 1.6MB)  was agreed at Council on 23 February 2012 following a thorough debate by elected Members and an engagement process on the draft proposals.

For next year the result is a Council budget of £246m and a Band D Council Tax of £1,216.34. This represents no change in Council Tax, in terms of the Cheshire East Council element of the bill, as a result of a further offer of Government funding to freeze Council Tax levels.

The creation of the Business Plan (including the Council’s priorities and Budget) was managed through the Business Planning Process and acknowledged the ongoing reductions in funding as a result of the Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review.

The document is the result of an intensive process to review all areas of expenditure to set a balanced budget.

Key issues include:

  • Focusing on the Council’s contribution to seven Sustainable Communities Strategy priorities under the heading Ambition, Action, Achievement.
  • Publishing details for 3 years for the first time to improve transparency and set out the issues facing the Council.
  • Managing a £7m reduction in Formula Grant Funding.
  • Using the Council Tax freeze grant funding strategically rather than to balance the budget.
  • Protecting the front line by focusing efficiencies on back office services.
  • Improved engagement and involvement of all Members and stakeholders.

The Corporate Plan has been integrated into the Council's Business Plan. Download the full PDF version of the Corporate Plan 2011 - 2013 (PDF, 1.3MB). Please note that this document is not tagged for accessibility.

Equality Impact Assessments

Equality Impact Assessments have been undertaken on these proposals

If you would like to comment on this document please send your comments to

Page last reviewed: 17 June 2024