Cheshire East Budget 2009-10
On 24 February 2009 Cheshire East Council approved its first ever Budget and Council Tax for 2009-10.
This was a very significant achievement for Cheshire East Council. The Budget sets out the resources that are available to the Council and how they will be used to deliver services from day one. It will set out the path to achieve flagship status within two years.
Key Budget Milestones
- The Council’s Financial Planning Process was approved by Cheshire East Cabinet in June 2008
- The Council’s first Medium Term Financial Strategy was reported to Cheshire East Cabinet in December 2008
- The Council sets a net Revenue budget of £234m, a Dedicated Schools Grant of £194m and a Capital Programme of £97m in February 2009.
Council Tax will be harmonised from day one based on the level of Council Tax in Macclesfield for the 161,810 households in the Cheshire East area. This results in a Band D level of £1,196.01 for 2009-10 with a projected Council Tax income of £173.136m.
Council Tax changes for Cheshire East Council for 2009-10 are as follows:
- Congleton 1.00% decrease
- Crewe & Nantwich 1.14% increase + abolition of Green Waste charges
- Macclesfield 0.00%
The Council meeting followed a Budget Consultation process in January 2009. This included a series of meetings with stakeholder groups and consultation with the public through the website, Libraries and Council buildings.
Details of the events held and the feedback received are set out in the report considered by Council. (Please see Item 11, Appendix F)
All the feedback was considered by Members as part of their Budget Setting deliberations. Thank you to all those who contributed.
A copy of the 2009-10 Budget Book is available to download as a pdf version: Cheshire East Council Budget Book 2009-10 (PDF, 852KB).
Page last reviewed: 17 June 2024
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