Adult Social Care - Privacy notice

What information we may collect about you

The information is used to support your direct care. The information held in the system includes:

  • name, address, date of birth, NHS number, ethnicity and phone number
  • details of people involved in your care (family, friends and other professionals)
  • medications
  • clinical or social care history
  • support plans
  • Details of income and expenditure 
  • social care summary of needs
  • alerts or allergies
  • Community safety issues

The information is needed to:

  • understand your previous health and care support
  • evaluate your current health and care needs
  • plan the best onward care to meet you present needs
  • provide practical information to coordinate your care e.g. address
  • conduct a financial assessments
  • to fulfil the duties associated with being appointed corporate Appointee or Deputy
  • Adult Safeguarding and Public protection arrangements 

Your NHS Number

Local health and social care services are working together to improve how your information is shared to support the decisions they make about your care. We ask for your NHS Number as it helps to uniquely identify you when sharing information between health and social care. The council also uses the Personal Demographic Service (PDS) to trace and verify your NHS number to help assure we have the correct NHS Number for you.

If you are being seen by more than one health or care service, the professionals treating you will share summary information. This information can include recent appointments, test results, medicines, and a summary of any social care plan you are receiving. If you do not want your information shared this can request direct with the health or care service.

For more information please visit the cheshire care record website.

Why we are allowed to use your information

When you receive Adult Social Care services, we collect your personal information in order for us to facilitate your care needs. As an example your NHS number allows Health and Social Care staff to identify you correctly, helping to ensure you receive safe and efficient care.

Where you have engaged voluntarily with us, you can withdraw from services at any time by notifying your care provider or Cheshire East Social Care.  When you access these services your personal information will be shared with your health and social care provider. 

In some cases we share data your because the law says we have to, such as statutory reporting.We are empowered to provide social care services in the Cheshire East Borough and will use your data as required to fulfil this public task. 

Section 251b of the Care Act 2014 states that the providers of health and social care services have a duty to share information when it is likely to facilitate the provision of an individual’s health and care service in England.

We may also need to share your information with Statutory and/or emergency services or health professionals if it is in your vital interest or in the interest of public safety.

When we share your information between the Cheshire East Council and NHS services or Statutory Agencies, we will only do this for the provision of your care or safety  when doing so we rely on the following legislation:

Who we share your information with

We will only ever share your information with health and social care providers. Unless it is a safeguarding issue which may then be shared with other agencies in the interest of public safety.

National Fraud Initiative (NFI)

Cheshire East Council is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers and to this end may use the information you provide for the prevention and detection of fraud.

It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these purposes.

These data sharing exercises will satisfy data protection and human rights principles. For further details see or telephone the Council on 0300 123 5500.

Where we get your information from

When an adult receives care from the Local Authority we get your information from many sources, but most commonly form you:

  • By agreement or request (you volunteer)
  • Safeguarding concerns (so agencies can share information about an individual without their consent)
  • Referral from another organisation – for example your  GP  

How long will you keep this data for and why

The data will be kept in line with Cheshire East information asset register.

How your information will be stored

Data will be stored within the ICT system (Liquid Logic) for Adult Social Care.

What happens if you don’t provide us with your information

  • We may be unable to provide you with Adult Social Care services

Will your information be used to make automated decisions

  • No

For Further information

Please see the privacy notice for Cheshire East Council.

Page last reviewed: 06 January 2022