
Supplying Cheshire East Council with goods and services

We have a statutory duty to ensure that any procurement represents the most cost effective, best value for money solution.

Our purpose is to ensure that contracts and commercial arrangements awarded by Cheshire East Council provide great value for money and that we use our procurement spend to provide the best possible social value for our residents.

The Council advertises contract opportunities via an e-Business portal The Chest portal. Suppliers can register online via the Suppliers’ area to receive email updates on opportunities that match their capabilities.

Register to use The Chest.

How to become a supplier

Where possible, contracts under £25,000 are ring-fenced for businesses in the Cheshire East borough and surrounding areas.

We have a portal to enable businesses to register their interest in bidding for future council contracts below £25,000.

Add your details to our supplier list by completing the below online form. The form will take 3 minutes to complete.

Add your details to the Business Procurement Portal

Procurement Act 2023

You may be aware that the new Procurement Bill received Royal Assent in October 2023. Secondary legislation for the new Procurement Act will be laid asap in 2024, in preparation for the new regime which is expected to go live October 2024. The Cabinet Office will be running seminars during 2024 for both the public sector and providers.

You can find out more about the new Procurement Act within the procurement reform supplier letter (PDF, 125KB).

The Procurement Act 2023 – a summary guide to the provisions The Procurement Act - a summary guide to the provisions - (GOV.UK).

See below for a short YouTube video introducing the Procurement Act 2023, from the Government Commercial function, designed for current and potential Suppliers’ to the Public Sector.

Contact us

Corporate Procurement Unit
Cheshire East Council

Page last reviewed: 11 September 2024