Site LPS 16: Land south of Chelford Road, Macclesfield

The development of land off Chelford Road over the Local Plan Strategy period will be achieved through:

  1. The delivery of around 200 new dwellings;
  2. Provision of new road junction to Chelford Road, and construction of an access road to the southern perimeter of the site;
  3. Incorporation of green infrastructure and public open space;
  4. Pedestrian and cycle links to new and existing residential areas, shops, schools and health facilities;
  5. On site provision, or where appropriate, relevant contributions towards highways and transport, education, health, open space and community facilities; and
  6. A master plan should be submitted so the site may be planned in a co-ordinated and comprehensive manner. Development must be in accordance with an agreed masterplan which must detail how a recognisable Green Belt boundary would be reinforced that will endure in the long term.

Site Specific Principles of Development

  1. The development would be expected to contribute towards off-site road infrastructure improvements in the central and western Macclesfield area.
  2. Any development that would prejudice the future comprehensive development of the adjacent safeguarded land will not be permitted (Site reference LPS 19).
  3. The access road must be designed to serve any potential future development on the adjacent safeguarded land and it must be of a standard to form part of any future South West Macclesfield Link Road.
  4. The development would be expected to provide improvements to existing and include the provision of new pedestrian, cycle and public transport links to existing and proposed residential and employment areas, shops, schools & health facilities. The provision of a south west green route would link with existing north to south routes in the form of the Macclesfield Canal and Middlewood Way.
  5. The Local Plan Strategy site is expected to provide affordable housing in line with the policy requirements set out in Policy SC 5 'Affordable Homes'.
  6. A desk based archaeological assessment is required for the site, with targeted evaluation and appropriate mitigation being carried out, if required.
  7. Any application would need to be supported by a full ecological appraisal. Mitigation would be required to address any impacts on protected species. Any woodland, orchards and other priority habitats or habitats of local wildlife site quality on the site should be retained and buffered by areas of open space/habitat creation. A 30m undeveloped buffer must be provided around the ancient woodland within and adjacent to the site at Cock Wood and deliver complimentary and/or compensatory habitats on the site as required.
  8. Any development proposals must avoid any impacts on Local Wildlife Sites. This should include indirect impacts resulting from changes in hydrology, hydrochemistry, air pollution and recreational impacts.
  9. A minimum of a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment for contaminated land should be carried out to demonstrate that the site is, or could be made, suitable for use should it be found to be contaminated. Further work, including a site investigation, may be required at a pre-planning stage, depending on the nature of the site.

Provision of sufficient areas of open space to the south and east of Hollyhedge Farmhouse to maintain its open rural setting;Provision of a substantial landscaped edge to the south/south east of the development parcel immediately to the south of the railway line (on the opposite side of Main Road to Hollyhedge Farm).  This should combine a mix of copse and individual tree planting contained by a new native hedgerow.  At the point nearest Hollyhedge Farm in the south eastern corner, a copse should be created.  It should include woodland planting on the western edge of the parcel, tying in with the woodland buffer of the Basford East site; Provision of open space and appropriate parkland landscaping alongside the access/drive and to the south of Crewe Hall Farmhouse and associated barnProvision of an area of greenspace to the east of Stowford hamlet, retaining the existing pond, trees and other positive planting as a key space within the development; 


15.225 Located to the west of Macclesfield, the site is well connected to the exiting urban edge of the settlement and well connected to the highways network in the western part of the town. 

15.226 Through delivery of 200 new homes the site will contribute significantly to meeting the housing needs of the borough and the on going regeneration and growth of Macclesfield. The release of Green Belt land in this location has been necessary to enable the provision of sufficient housing land within the plan period and to link with the safeguarding of land for the future growth of Macclesfield beyond the plan period (site reference LPS 19).

15.227 The site comprises agricultural land with some important natural features including trees, hedgerows and ponds and there are known to be protected species on site. Any development proposal must avoid any impacts on Local Wildlife sites.

15.228 The incorporation of green infrastructure, community facilities, pedestrian and cycle links to new and existing residential areas and contributions to wider community needs and infrastructure will all ensure the site is delivered in a way which integrates into the existing settlement and local landscape.

15.229 Any replacement and/or new sports provision should be in accordance with an adopted up to date and robust Playing Pitch Strategy and Indoor Sports Strategy and with Policy SC 2 ‘ Indoor and Outdoor Sports Facilities’.

Policy information


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