Site LPS 17: Gaw End Lane, Macclesfield

The development of Gaw End Lane over the Local Plan Strategy period will be achieved through:

  1. The delivery of around 300 homes;
  2. Incorporation of green infrastructure which should include the following:
    1. Green linkages to the wider footpath network, habitats and site LPS 13 including links to the north/south strategic link of the Macclesfield Canal. Land to the southwest of the site adjacent to the canal should remain undeveloped and is allocated for open space within site LPS 17 as shown on Figure 15.19;
    2. New public open space;
    3. Green buffers to London Road/Leek Road and Macclesfield Canal; and
    4. An area of protected open space adjacent Rayswood Nature Reserve as shown on the proposals map;
  3. Pedestrian and cycle links to new and existing residential areas, shops, schools and health facilities; and
  4. On site provision, or where appropriate, relevant contributions towards highways and transport, education, health, open space and community facilities.

Site Specific Principles of Development

  1. Buffer zone of semi-natural habitats to be provided adjacent to the Macclesfield Canal SBI.
  2. Development must be sensitive to the conservation area and listed structures / buildings. The retention of open space on the western edge of the site would help safeguard the immediate context from urbanising development up to the canal edge, where it would most dramatically affect views and the sense of openness within the bend in the canal. Regarding the setting of Toll Bar cottage the impact could be lessened in the approach taken to the site’s planning, by retaining the mature boundary landscaping opposite the property and also by using this south easterly part of the site as a pedestrian gateway into the scheme, with associated open space.
  3. This Local Plan Strategy site is expected to provide affordable housing in line with the policy requirements set out in Policy SC 5 'Affordable Homes'.
  4. The site will be developed only where it can be demonstrated that there is no significant harm on the Danes Moss SSSI, particularly in relation to changes in water levels and quality and recreational pressures. This should include a full assessment of the direct and indirect impacts of the development on the features of special interest. Where impacts cannot be avoided, appropriate mitigation measures will be required to ensure protection of the SSSI
  5. Any application would need to be supported by a full ecological appraisal. Ecological mitigation would be required to address any adverse impacts.
  6. A minimum of a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment for contaminated land should be carried out to demonstrate that the site is, or could be made, suitable for use should it be found to be contaminated. Further work, including a site investigation, may be required at a pre-planning stage, depending on the nature of the site.

Provision of sufficient areas of open space to the south and east of Hollyhedge Farmhouse to maintain its open rural setting;Provision of a substantial landscaped edge to the south/south east of the development parcel immediately to the south of the railway line (on the opposite side of Main Road to Hollyhedge Farm).  This should combine a mix of copse and individual tree planting contained by a new native hedgerow.  At the point nearest Hollyhedge Farm in the south eastern corner, a copse should be created.  It should include woodland planting on the western edge of the parcel, tying in with the woodland buffer of the Basford East site; Provision of open space and appropriate parkland landscaping alongside the access/drive and to the south of Crewe Hall Farmhouse and associated barnProvision of an area of greenspace to the east of Stowford hamlet, retaining the existing pond, trees and other positive planting as a key space within the development; 


15.232 The site is located to the south of Macclesfield, is well related to the existing highways network and Lyme Green business park and its allocation required a revision to the Green Belt boundary. The site has been identified to deliver some 300 dwellings.

15.233 The site is detached from the main urban area of Macclesfield; however it does have a strong relationship to the business park at Lyme Green and good access to key services, facilities and employment opportunities by a range of modes of transport. Due to a lack of constraints and major infrastructure requirements the site is available for future development in the short term.

15.234 There are some natural features within the site which is adjacent to a Site of Biological Importance and includes heritage assets within the Macclesfield Canal Conservation Area, notably a listed canal bridge.  Development must be sensitive to the conservation area and listed structures / buildings and any noise impact from adjacent land uses should be mitigated against.

15.235 It is essential that investment is delivered to improve public transport infrastructure, pedestrian and cycle links and other appropriate improvements to enhance the sustainability of this location.

15.236 Any proposals should include a buffer zone of semi-natural habitats adjacent to the Macclesfield Canal and SBI. The area of protected open space (as shown on the Figure 15.19) will also act as a buffer to the woodland area of Rayswood Nature Reserve.

15.237 Through the protection of existing features and the provision of appropriate infrastructure and services, development here can form a sustainable extension to Macclesfield supporting the prosperity and vitality of the town through the plan period.

15.238 Development here relates well to Lyme Green Business Park and the highway network within the southern area of Macclesfield town.

15.239 Any replacement and/or new sports provision should be in accordance with an adopted up to date and robust Playing Pitch Strategy and Indoor Sports Strategy and with Policy SC 2 ‘Indoor and Outdoor Sports Facilities’.

15.240 The council expects that the following are considered in the context of the ecological value of the site due to its proximity to the Danes Moss SSSI:

Policy information


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