Policy EG 3: Existing and Allocated Employment Sites

  1. Existing employment sites will be protected for employment use unless:
    1. Premises are causing significant nuisance or environmental problems that could not be mitigated; or
    2. The site is no longer suitable or viable for employment use; and
      1. There is no potential for modernisation or alternate employment uses; and
      2. No other occupiers can be found footnote 43.
  2. Where it can be demonstrated that there is a case for alternative development on existing employment sites, these will be expected to meet sustainable development objectives as set out in Policies MP 1, SD 1 and SD 2 of the Local Plan Strategy. All opportunities must be explored to incorporate an element of employment development as part of a mixed use scheme.
  3. Subject to regular review, allocated employment sites will be protected for employment use in order to maintain an adequate and flexible supply of employment land to attract new and innovative businesses, to enable existing businesses to grow and to create new and retain existing jobs.


11.22 The National Planning Policy Framework states that 'policies should avoid the long term protection of sites allocated for employment use where there is no reasonable prospect of a site being used for that purpose'.

11.23 In order to provide a range of employment sites, particularly for inward investment and limit the need for development on greenfield land, it is vital that existing employment sites, premises and allocations that are viable for continued employment use are safeguarded. This will make sure that job opportunities are maintained and the economic health of the borough is protected. The release of viable employment sites or premises to other uses may only be made where their loss would not cause harm to business or employment opportunities, or where there are unacceptable amenity impacts for local residents.

11.24 For clarification, this policy applies to all sites currently in use for employment purposes (B1, B2 and B8 uses in the Use Classes Order) as well as sites allocated for such uses.

11.25 There are already a number of key employment areas in the borough, including Alderley Park, Hurdsfield Industrial Estate, Bentley Motors, Radbroke Hall, Jodrell Bank, Booths Hall and Midpoint 18. These are of particular significance to the economy in Cheshire East, collectively employing over 13,000 personnel. The following provides an overview of their contribution to the borough's strong economic base together with additional key sites that form part of the borough's employment land portfolio:

11.26 Whilst the Local Plan Strategy seeks to retain these key employment areas, it also provides opportunities for further inward investment at other established locations such as Radway Green, Congleton Business Park, Radnor Park Trading Estate and others. The Local Plan Strategy also seeks to unlock major new employment sites including Basford East and West and other developments to meet both latent demand and future projected growth. A range of employment sites are allocated around Crewe and in the south of the borough to facilitate economic growth and deliver the aspirations set out by 'All Change for Crewe: High Growth City'.

Key Evidence

  1. Employment Land Review
  2. Employment Monitoring

(Footnote 43) To demonstrate that no other occupiers can be found, the site should be marketed at a realistic price reflecting its employment status for a period of not less than 2 years. The council will require evidence that a proper marketing exercise has been carried out including a record of all offers and expressions of interest received.

(Footnote 44) 2011 Census

Policy information


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