Policy SD 1: Sustainable Development in Cheshire East

In order to achieve sustainable development in Cheshire East, the following considerations to development will apply. Development should wherever possible:

  1. Contribute to creating a strong, responsive and competitive economy for Cheshire East;
  2. Prioritise investment and growth within the Principal Towns and Key Service Centres;
  3. Contribute to the creation of sustainable communities;
  4. Provide appropriate infrastructure to meet the needs of the local community including: education; health and social care; transport; communication technology; landscaping and open space; sport and leisure; community facilities; water; waste water; and energy;
  5. Provide access to local jobs, services and facilities, reflecting the community's needs;
  6. Ensure that development is accessible by public transport, walking and cycling;
  7. Provide safe access and sufficient car parking in accordance with adopted highway standards;
  8. Support the health, safety, social and cultural well-being of the residents of Cheshire East;
  9. Provide a locally distinct, high quality, sustainable, well designed and durable environment;
  10. Contribute towards the achievement of equality and social inclusion through positive cooperation with the local community;
  11. Use appropriate technologies to reduce carbon emissions and create a low carbon economy;
  12. Incorporate sustainable design and construction methods;
  13. Support the achievement of vibrant and prosperous town and village centres;
  14. Contribute to protecting and enhancing the natural, built, historic and cultural environment;
  15. Make efficient use of land, protect the best and most versatile agricultural land and make best use of previously developed land where possible;
  16. Encourage the reuse of existing buildings; and
  17. Prioritise the most accessible and sustainable locations.


9.2 The National Planning Policy Framework definition of sustainable development is: “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". The Framework outlines an approach to sustainable development which seeks to foster positive growth leading to economic, environmental and social progress whilst finding the means to accommodate new ways by which we will earn our living in a competitive world. The Framework establishes the need to balance these aims and provide for the needs of a rising, longer living population, whilst responding to the changes that new technologies offer us and ensuring that our lives, and the places in which we live them, can change for the better.

9.3 Whilst the Local Plan Strategy includes the presumption in favour of sustainable development as a 'golden thread' running through the strategy, Policy SD 1 seeks to further define the considerations used at a local level in order to achieve sustainable development in Cheshire East in line with achieving the vision and strategic priorities set out in the Local Plan Strategy.

Key Evidence

  1. Determining the Settlement Hierarchy
  2. Cheshire East Infrastructure Delivery Plan
  3. Cheshire East Sustainability Appraisal
  4. ‘Made’ Neighbourhood Plans including Sandbach, Audlem, Brereton and Bunbury

Policy information


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