Property Search Service

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we may not meet the statutory deadline of 20 working days. We will try to provide your response as soon as possible, within 40 working days.

Staff will not respond to any email inquiries regarding the status of search submissions to allow for the delivery of service provisions.

The Council has a statutory duty under the Local Land Charges Act 1975 to maintain an accurate and up-to-date register of Local Land Charges which affect land and property within Cheshire East Borough.

The statutory register information is available to request for viewing by the public or any company.

Refer to the Property Search Service procedures when making either request.

Environmental Information Regulations 2004 - property search requests

Con29 questions

Cheshire East Council would like to confirm that if you are seeking answers to these enquiries under  FOIEIR  only 4 questions will be responded to under EIR / FOI . All other enquiries of the Con29 can be obtained from you reviewing our website for this information.

Background information

In light of the Statutory Instrument 2010 No. 1812 being revoked on 17 August 2010 and the requirement to provide register viewing information upon request via Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) requirements.

Cheshire East Council can confirm that it has set up a separate service area to manage EIR property search requests.

It is important that requestors do note that this service does not sit within the Local Land Charges department.

Please note that the Local Land Charges staff will not be corresponding with requestors relating to EIR enquiries, their sole remit will be to deal with their own income generating service.

Each question or enquiry arising from Property Search Service data viewing (register) £36.00.

Each question or enquiry arising from Property Search Service data viewing (Con29) £69.00.

Policy and procedures

EIR Property Search Requests should be submitted in accordance with the following policy, procedure and standard which can be downloaded from the following links:

Further information

Further Information about the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 can be viewed at the Council's Compliance web page.

Right of appeal

If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your request and wish to make a complaint or request a review, you should write or email to the:
Compliance Unit
Cheshire East Council
CW11 1HZ 

If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision.

Generally, the Information Commissioner cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by the Council. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

The Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Page last reviewed: 10 July 2024