Congleton Town Council - West

Results of the election were posted on the 7 of May 2011.

The number of Councillors to be elected is ten.

Congleton Town Council West
Nominated CandidatesDescriptionVotes castElected?
ALLEN Dawn Sarah Elizabeth Conservative Icon Conservative 1379 Yes
BAXENDALE Gordon Conservative Icon Conservative 1700 Yes
BOSSONS Lisa Labour Labour 1280 No
BOURS Louise ukip-icon UK Independence Party 1218 No
BRIGHTWELL Robbie Ian Conservative Icon Conservative 1726 Yes
BRITTAIN Guy Conservative Icon Conservative 1254 No
CROWTHER John Saville  The Independent Voice Of Congleton 1415 Yes
GOODWIN Graham Alfred   495 No
HERON Keith William Macgregor Liberal Democrat Icon Liberal Democrats 939 No
HUTTON Michael John  The Independent Voice Of Congleton 1413 Yes
LAW James Bernard Conservative Icon Conservative 1281 No
MARTIN Amanda Marjorie Conservative Icon Conservative 1284 Yes
MARTIN David Sylvester James Conservative Icon Conservative 1295 Yes
MURPHY Denis Liberal Democrat Icon Liberal Democrats 1141 No
PARRY Jean Dorothy Conservative Icon Conservative 1319 Yes
PRICE Neville Thomas  The Independent Voice Of Congleton 1348 Yes
WARDLAW Elizabeth Conservative Icon Conservative 1391 Yes

Turnout: 39.49%

Page last reviewed: 17 January 2024