Cheshire East Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

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Health and Wellbeing Boards have a duty to produce a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for their area.

The JSNA  identifies health and social care needs, how well these are being met and opportunities for improvement to inform decision-making.

The purpose of the JSNA is to assess need across Cheshire East. The JSNA is apolitical and its recommendations are not constrained by budget requirements.

Our reviews into particular health and wellbeing challenges

The JSNA work programme also includes a range of reviews into particular health and wellbeing challenges, that can be searched for via the search box on this page, or can be accessed via the links below. These four topic areas are also the four broad outcomes of our Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy / Place Plan (PDF, 6.58MB)

Developing the JSNA

Health and Wellbeing Boards have a duty to produce a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for their area. The “Statutory Guidance on Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies” published by the Department of Health in March 2013 outlines the required scope of JSNAs; to identify health and social care needs that can be met or affected by the local authority (Cheshire East Council) in collaboration with the NHS.

The JSNA is made up of separate sections and the creation and updating of these sections is prioritised in line with the JSNA work programme. The work programme aims to ensure that JSNA developments align to commissioner priorities, planning and implementation timescales, ensuring that JSNA content is useful and that its development can be integrated into commissioner-provider cycles. There will not be a scheduled review and refresh of all JSNA content.

The JSNA is a useful resource base for a wide range of partners and the public. The benefits of the JSNA include:

  • facilitating partnership working by combining differing professional and organisational perspectives to support a holistic view of individuals, families and communities and provide new insights
  • identifying and sharing information about local community assets to support commissioners and providers in developing community resilience
  • enabling commissioners to identify priorities for action based on the balance of different needs

To achieve these benefits, the production of Cheshire East’s JSNA content is guided by the following principles:

  • Key stakeholders (subject matter experts, including communities/service users) will work collaboratively and actively participate in JSNA content production
  • Levels of detailed analysis may differ across different organisational boundaries (e.g. more detailed analysis may be undertaken for specific geographical areas)
  • The allocation of resources to creating/developing JSNA sections should be proportionate to the benefits of enhanced intelligence for evidence-based decision making

The diagrams below show the current processes for determining the JSNA work programme and approving content for publication.

JSNA work programme process


Proposed JSNA approvals process.emf

Contact Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

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Page last reviewed: 03 August 2024