Site PYT 3: Land at Poynton High School

Land at Poynton High School is allocated for residential development for around 20 new homes. Development proposals for the site must:

  1. replace the lost playing field to an equivalent or better quality, in a suitable location;
  2. provide an 80m buffer zone to protect the proposed dwellings from the risk of ball strike from the adjacent playing field. If this cannot be accommodated, a full ball strike risk assessment should be carried out and any required mitigation provided;
  3. demonstrate that the sports facility is an enhanced facility in line with recommendations made in the Cheshire East Indoor Built Facilities Strategy and the Cheshire East Playing Pitch Strategy and Action Plan;
  4. make sure that any proposed housing layout does not have a direct impact that would result in an adverse effect on the functionality or capacity of the playing field; and
  5. not erect or plant any obstructions within 8m of the edge of the culverted watercourse.

Supporting information

12.66  The site (0.76ha) lies off Dickens Lane to the east of Poynton and includes an area of playing field belonging to Poynton High School, which runs between residential properties along Dickens Lane. Surrounding land uses include residential.

12.67  The intention would be to mitigate the loss of the playing field through measures including qualitative improvements to the remaining playing field area at Poynton High School. The Cheshire East Local Football Facility Plan (December 2018) also highlights a new floodlit 11v11 3G football turf pitch at Poynton High School as a priority project for potential investment.

12.68  Replacement sports facilities should be provided in accordance with LPS Policy SC 2 ‘Indoor and outdoor sports facilities’ and take account of the most up to date playing pitch strategy. Proposals put forward to replace the playing field should be agreed with Sport England. In line with the Cheshire East Playing Pitch Strategy and Action Plan (PDF, 2.7MB) [ED 19], if the replacement playing field includes a 3G pitch, a sinking fund would need to be in place for the long-term sustainability of the 3G pitch, and Football Association testing should be administered so that it can host competitive matches.

12.69  If there are not adequate safety margins then the proposed development is at risk of ball strike, therefore a full ball strike risk assessment should be carried out. Satisfactory mitigation measures could include ball stop fencing or netting and reconfiguration of the cricket pitch.

12.70  A water main easement is located on the south-western boundary of the site and a large gravity sewer runs through the south-eastern part of the site.

12.71  There is a section of culverted watercourse crossing through the eastern area of the site. The culvert should be located and a condition survey carried out in order to assess its current condition/location and any maintenance/upgrading that may be needed. Development proposals should be carried out in line with the requirements of the Cheshire East Land Drainage Byelaws footnote 22 and in consultation with the Lead Local Flood Authority.

12.72  The council is aware from BGS mineral resource mapping that the site is likely to contain shallow coal resources as well as being part of a wider adjoining coal resource. The Coal Authority should be consulted on any planning application for the development of this site.

(Footnote 22) Appendix 12 of the Cheshire East Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2017

Policy information


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