Site PYT 4: Former Vernon Infants School

The former Vernon Infants School site is allocated for residential development for around 50 new homes. Development proposals for the site must:

  1. mitigate the loss of playing field land by its replacement to an equivalent or better quality, in a suitable location, along with qualitative improvements to the remaining playing field;
  2. provide an 80m buffer zone to protect the proposed dwellings from the risk of ball strike from the adjacent playing field. If this cannot be accommodated, a full ball strike risk assessment should be carried out and any required mitigation provided;
  3. make sure that any proposed housing layout does not have a direct impact that would result in an adverse effect on the functionality or capacity of the playing field;
  4. retain the vegetation to the existing building’s frontage; and
  5. provide a bat survey in support of any planning application.

Supporting information

12.73  The former Vernon Infants School site (0.76ha) presents the opportunity for a sustainably located, high quality residential scheme, and is particularly suitable for retirement homes. It is situated very close to the town centre, with surrounding land uses including residential.

12.74  The intention would be to reconfigure and improve drainage of the playing field and provide a changing room.

12.75  If there aren’t adequate safety margins then the proposed development is at risk of ball strike, therefore a full ball strike risk assessment should be carried out. Satisfactory mitigation measures could include ball stop fencing or netting.

Policy information


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