Policy INF 5: Off-airport car parking

  1. Outside of the Manchester Airport operational area, proposals for airport car parking will not be permitted, unless it can be clearly demonstrated that:
    1. the capacity of existing lawful airport car parks (including those located on and off-airport, operated by Manchester Airport and by third parties) is insufficient to meet the needs of the airport and demand regularly exceeds supply (or is forecast to do so in the near future); and
    2. the proposal accords with other policies in the development plan.
  2. Where proposals accord with Criterion 1 above, preference will be given to locations identified for off-airport car parking in the 'Manchester Airport Sustainable Development Plan: economy and surface access', or replacement guidance.
  3. In line with LPS Policy PG 3 ‘Green Belt’, proposals for off-airport car parking will be considered to be inappropriate development in the Green Belt unless they can demonstrate a clear requirement for a Green Belt location; there are no other suitable locations outside of the Green Belt; and that the proposals preserve the openness of the Green Belt and do not conflict with the purposes of including land within it.
  4. Proposals should make maximum use of permeable materials in parking areas and incorporate on-site attenuation to reduce runoff rates and increase infiltration.

Supporting information

10.11 LPS Policy CO 1 ‘Sustainable travel and transport’ seeks to deliver a safe, sustainable, high quality, integrated transport system that encourages a modal shift away from car travel to public transport, cycling and walking. The Manchester Airport Economy and Surface Access Plan forms part of its Sustainable Development Plan (2016). This seeks to guide the development and management of surface access to the airport and sets targets for future surface access capacity to meet projected annual passenger throughputs.

10.12 Car parking is a fundamental element of the surface access strategy and requires careful management and integration with public transport mode-share targets.

10.13 Authorised off-airport car parks, including those run by third party operators, are an important part of the overall parking provision for the airport, but have the potential to conflict with the aims of the airport’s sustainable development plan, particularly in respect of the targets for increasing the use of public transport.

10.14 Permeable materials can assist in having a positive effect on water and soil sustainability through reducing runoff rates and increasing filtration, thereby preventing increased flood risk.

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