Policy HOU 7: Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showperson site principles

Alongside the considerations set out in LPS Policy SC 7 'Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople', proposals for Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showperson sites in the borough should make sure that they:

  1. respect the scale of, and do not dominate, the nearest settled community where located in rural areas;
  2. avoid placing an undue pressure on the local infrastructure and services;
  3. clearly indicate the proposed number of pitches/plots intended for the site;
  4. are well planned, including clearly marked site and pitch or plot boundaries and include soft landscaping, appropriate boundary treatments and play areas for children where needed;
  5. provide a safe environment for intended occupants through layout, design and lighting;
  6. provide for an appropriate level of essential services and utilities including mains electricity, a connection to a public sewer or provision of discharge to a septic tank, a mains water supply and a suitable surface water drainage system, prioritising the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in line with LPS Policy SE 13 'Flood risk and water management'; and
  7. make provision for waste to be stored appropriately for disposal and is able to be collected in an efficient manner.

Supporting information

8.42 This policy addresses specific design principles that should be met by all new sites for travelling and non-travelling Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople and should be read alongside LPS Policy SC 7 'Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople'.

8.43 The site design and layout should ensure the safety and security of residents. If external lighting will help achieve this, it should be designed into the proposal at the outset to ensure it is the minimum required and appropriate for the location. LPS Policy SC 7 'Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople' sets out the requirements for safe access and vehicle servicing.

8.44 In line with paragraph 13 of Planning Policy for Traveller Sites, sites should avoid placing undue pressure on local infrastructure and services to support the sustainability of Traveller Sites. Sites must be capable of being serviced by all necessary utilities in order to provide an appropriate residential environment. Foul drainage to a public sewer should be provided wherever possible. Where foul drainage to a public sewer is not feasible sites will only be permitted if proposed alternative facilities are considered adequate and would not pose an unacceptable risk to the quality or quantity of ground or surface water, pollution of local ditches, watercourses or sites of biodiversity importance. Sites must incorporate appropriate measures for surface water drainage, utilising Sustainable Drainage Systems where practicable.

8.45 Each pitch should be designed to provide appropriate accommodation for a household, and should normally allow for the siting of at least one trailer/mobile home and a touring caravan and space for car parking.

Related documents

Policy information


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