Policy HOU 13: Residential standards

  1. Proposals for housing development should generally:
    1. meet the standards for space between buildings as set out in Table 8.2 'Standards for space between buildings', unless the design and layout of the scheme and its relationship to the site and its characteristics provides an adequate degree of light and privacy between buildings; and
    2. include an appropriate quantity and quality of outdoor private amenity space, having regard to the type and size of the proposed development.
  2. In addition to the standards set out in Table 8.2 'Standards for space between buildings':
    1. each building should normally be set back at least 1 metre from the side boundary; and
    2. where it is necessary to provide a car parking space at the front of the dwelling, each dwelling should be set back at least 5.5 metres from the highway to provide car parking space off the highway.
  3. The distances in Table 8.2 'Standards for space between buildings' should be seen as a minimum where it impacts on existing property.

Supporting information

8.62 The Cheshire East Borough Design Guide supplementary planning document (2017) supports an innovative design led approach to new residential development and promotes opportunities for reduced distance standards through good design. The standards for space between buildings set out in Table 8.2 'Standards for space between buildings' are intended to provide an ‘adequate’ degree of light. The council also uses the 45-degree rule, which is a well-established rule of thumb that is used to make sure development does not have an unacceptable impact on outlook and light to principal and habitable room windows. This is in addition to and distinct from general spacing standards required to provide appropriate outlook, privacy, light and living standards.

Table 8.2 Standards for space between buildings
Position/height of buildingStandards for space between buildings from the centre line of any window
1. Habitable room facing habitable room or facing non-residential buildings
1 or 2 storeys
  • 18 metres front to front of buildings
  • 21 metres back to back of buildings
3 storeys or upwards
  • 20 metres front to front of buildings
  • 24 metres plus 2.5 metres per additional storey back to back of buildings
2. Habitable room facing non-habitable room
1 or 2 storeys
  • 14 metres
3 storeys or upwards
  • 2.5 metres per additional storey
3. Allowance for differences in level between buildings
All cases where 1 and 2 (above) are applied and difference in level exceeds 2 metres
  • Add 2.5 metres to distance
Each further 2 metres difference in level
  • Add additional 2.5 metres per 2 metres difference in level

8.63 A habitable room is any room in a house except the hall, stairs, landing, toilet, bathroom, and kitchen, unless the kitchen is a kitchen diner.

8.64 The space criteria apply where the sole or principal window in the habitable room faces:

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