Policy HER 5: Registered parks and gardens
- Development proposals affecting a Registered Historic Park and Garden will be expected to preserve the heritage asset, its setting and any features of special interest that contribute to its significance, including, but not limited to:
- the integrity of the landscape, its design and layout;
- any key views; and
- walled gardens or other enclosed gardens and spaces.
- Where development proposals would result in substantial or less than substantial harm to the significance of a Registered Historic Park and Garden, the harm should be weighed against any public benefits of the scheme, applying the approach and considerations set out in national policy.
Supporting information
5.25 Cheshire East has 17 Registered Parks and Gardens. Development proposals that enhance and better reveal the significance of a Registered Park and Garden will be encouraged. Any new development should avoid, minimise and mitigate impact on the landscape. Any harmful impacts should be balanced against the sustainable development objective of conserving significance and the need for change. The Gardens Trust is a statutory consultee for all sites on the Historic England Register of Parks and Gardens of Historic Interest and must be consulted on planning applications which affect all grades of Registered Historic Parks and Gardens (Grade I, II* and II).
5.26 Historic landscapes, parklands and gardens are important in historical, cultural and recreational terms. Historic England maintains a register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest. Other locally recognised parks and gardens will also be afforded appropriate protection under Policy HER 7 'Non-designated heritage assets'.
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