Site LPS 2: Basford East, Crewe

The development of Basford East over the Local Plan Strategy period will be achieved through:

  1. The delivery of up to 19 hectares of B1 Office Space, up to 5 hectares of B2 floor space; to include the creation of a fourth generation business park, with generous green infrastructure provision. The site is not considered to be suitable for B8 uses, due to highway constraints;
  2. The delivery of up to 850 new homes, ancillary to the delivery of employment uses on the site. The delivery of more than 850 new homes on the site will only be permitted if this can be justified by the submission of a viability study. Such a study will be independently evaluated, on behalf of Cheshire East Council, such costs to be borne by the developer(s);
  3. The creation of a new local centre including:
    1. One new primary school located to the eastern edge of the site;
    2. Retail provision appropriate to local needs;
    3. Public house / restaurant; and
    4. A community facility that will be capable of accommodating a variety of uses;
  4. The retention and incorporation of the existing farm buildings (Crotia Mill) on the site, potentially as part of the Local Centre;
  5. The incorporation of green infrastructure, including:
    1. A significant depth of native woodland and other semi-natural habitat screening along all boundaries to provide a buffer between the development and the railway line (at least 20metres) and the A500 (at least 40metres), to offset detrimental visual impact to the open countryside and the setting of the grade 1 listed Crewe Hall and its registered park and garden, along with the creation of wildlife habitats, including those for protected species;
    2. The retention, where possible, of important hedgerows that have a cumulative screening impact on development and contribute to the habitat value of the site;
    3. The protection and enhancement of Basford Brook;
    4. The creation of drainage ponds that have visual and habitat potential;
    5. Allotments; and
    6. Open space including sports pitches; multi use games area; outdoor gym; equipped children's play space and facilities for teenagers;
  6. The provision of a pedestrian link (also allowing for cycle access) over the Crewe Green Link Road South;
  7. The provision of contributions to local health infrastructure.

Site Specific Principles of Development

  1. The site must be developed on a comprehensive basis. To ensure that the impact upon protected species is minimised, the development of the site shall take place starting in the south and finishing in the north, on a phased basis. The council will not permit the development of small portions of the site, unless it can be demonstrated that they contribute to and complement the development as a whole.
  2. As part of a comprehensive masterplan for the site, provision must be made for a community facility that contains space that can be used for a number of uses, on a flexible basis.
  3. The development would be expected to contribute towards road infrastructure improvements in the area, including the Crewe Green Link Road, A500 link capacity improvements, A5020 Weston Road junction and junction 16 of the M6.
  4. The Local Plan Strategy site is expected to provide affordable housing in line with the policy requirements set out in Policy SC 5 'Affordable Homes'.
  5. Environmental mitigation required as part of the Crewe Green Link Road South scheme will be safeguarded from development. The development should provide compensatory habitat for great crested newts and other protected and priority species on the site. The great crested newt mitigation areas shall be contiguous with that provided for the Crewe Green Link Road South, within a zone adjacent to the northern boundary of the site, parallel to the railway corridor.
  6. The development would be expected to provide contributions towards improvements to existing, and the provision of new, public transport links to Crewe Railway Station, Crewe town centre and local villages.
  7. The development would be expected to allow continued access to and servicing of the adjacent railways including improved access to the Rail Depot from Crewe Green Link Road South.
  8. The development would be expected to provide improvements to existing, and include the provision of new pedestrian, cycle and public transport links to existing and proposed residential and employment areas, shops, schools and health facilities.
  9. The development will provide connections to the South Cheshire Growth Village, South East Crewe, in the form of green infrastructure, pedestrian and cycle links with further consideration of comprehensively masterplanning both schemes.
  10. The provision of green infrastructure, to reflect 'The Green Infrastructure Action Plan for Crewe' (TEP, 2012) including tree planting; the creation of tree lined boulevards with the provision of greenspaces within new developments. This should include the creation of green spaces, including those linking green infrastructure, with safe and secure pedestrian and cycle routes that should be integrated into any development proposals.
  11. High quality employment provision on the site is key to its delivery, with housing considered ancillary and required in order to ensure the deliverability of this site.
  12. The development should provide a quality of place with pedestrian and cycle links through to Crewe Railway Station and beyond to Crewe town centre.
  13. A desk based archaeological assessment shall be carried out; if it requires further work and mitigation, this will be completed, as required.
  14. The area has a 'typical' Cheshire Landscape, characterised by a flat topography broken up with a dense network of field hedges interspersed with mature hedgerow trees. The development of Basford East must respond to this sensitive landscape setting and create a new high quality environment.
  15. Existing farm buildings offer the potential for conversion to alternative uses.
  16. A minimum of a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment for contaminated land should be carried out to demonstrate that the site is, or could be made, suitable for use should it be found to be contaminated. Further work, including a site investigation, may be required at a pre-planning stage, depending on the nature of the site.
  17. There are several ponds located on the site and a range of mature trees and hedgerows which are of ecological value.
  18. The site is located in close proximity to the grade 1 listed Crewe Hall and its grade II listed registered park and garden; any development on the site will need to ensure that it does not have an adverse impact upon its setting.
  19. Existing buildings of Crotia Mill Farm, on the site, are thought to lie on the site of a 14th Century water mill. Archaeological investigations will be an important consideration across the site but particularly in relation to this farm complex.
  20. Records show that there is potential for some areas of infill associated with former ponds and a mill lake, and there may be areas of localised contamination associated with Crotia Mill Farm (formerly a mill) on site.
  21. The Crewe Green Link Road South  runs through the site. The site will deliver a pedestrian and cycle link over the Crewe Green Link Road South.
  22. Future masterplanning and development of the site should take into account potential impacts from High Speed Rail Two.
  23. Appropriate noise mitigation measures must be included with future development proposals for the site.


15.44 At present, Basford East is a mix of arable, improved grassland and semi-improved grassland which also contains a river habitat. Basford Brook flows through the heart of the site alongside several groupings of ponds, which support interesting flora and fauna. Surrounding uses include the railway,  the A500, Crewe Hall registered park and garden and open countryside. There are also a range of mature trees and hedgerows which are of ecological value.

15.45 The principle of developing this area has been accepted in previous Development Plans. Basford East is allocated for strategic and major industrial and business related development within the Crewe and Nantwich Local Plan. Use Classes B1, B2 and B8 were considered to be appropriate on this site. However, B8 uses are no longer considered to be appropriate, due to highway constraints.

15.46 The provision of employment development is the principal and overriding objective of the Basford East site. The housing development will act as an 'enabler' to ensure that the employment development takes place. If any more than 850 new homes are proposed to be delivered on this site a viability study will be required to be submitted. This will be independently evaluated, on behalf of Cheshire East Council and the cost for this will be borne by the developer(s). This is to ensure that the objective of delivering an employment site, to support the aims of 'All Change for Crewe: High Growth City', will be met.

15.47 The provision of new green infrastructure and the improvement of existing green infrastructure are of paramount importance. This will assist in improving the health and wellbeing of residents and employees, as well as enhancing the environment of the town and reflects the findings of the Green Infrastructure Action Plan for Crewe (TEP, 2012) and will also help deliver the aspirations of 'All Change for Crewe: High Growth City' .

15.48 The Crewe Green Link Road (South) scheme (CGLRS) is a 1.1 km dual-carriageway link running north-south between the Weston Gate roundabout on the A5020 Weston Road and the A500 Hough-Shavington Bypass. The scheme was granted planning permission in October 2011. A revised planning application was progressed through 2012, and this was granted in January 2013. A Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) for the land required to construct, operate and maintain the scheme was made and confirmed during November 2013. The scheme was completed in 2015.  

15.49 Future masterplanning and development of the site should take into account potential impacts from High Speed Rail Two (HS2).

15.50 The provision of a local centre, including appropriate medical facilities; a new primary school; local retail; pub/restaurant and a community facility, with space that can be used for a number of uses, on a flexible basis is essential, to ensure that the site is sustainable. The community facility must be formed of flexible space to accommodate uses including toilets; kitchen and storage and be capable of a variety of uses such as clubs (for people of all ages), community meetings and as a place of worship.

15.51 Basford Brook has been selected as a local wildlife site and flows through the heart of the site providing the greatest source of flood risk. A site specific Flood Risk Assessment will be required on the site that should consider future transport infrastructure including impacts of High Speed Rail Two (HS2). Any infrastructure planned over the brook or in the floodplain should be designed to not impact on flood flow. Culverting part or the entire brook is not recommended. Masterplanning of the site should avoid areas at greatest source of flood risk.

15.52 Any replacement and/or new sports provision should be in accordance with an adopted up to date and robust Playing Pitch Strategy and Indoor Sports Strategy and with Policy SC 2 ‘Indoor and Outdoor Sports Facilities’.

15.53 The site has potential for contamination to be present therefore at least  a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment for contaminated land needs to be carried out to ensure that any contamination that is present is subject to appropriate remediation.

15.54 As the site is located adjacent to a railway line, roads and industrial noise sources, it is important that appropriate noise mitigation measures are incorporated within the development.

15.55 Planning approvals on the site are as follows: 14/4025N: outline approval for up to 490 dwellings, primary school, recreational open space, ecological mitigation areas. Resolution to grant planning approval (15/04/15) subject to signing of S106 Legal Agreement, signed on 15 January 2016. 15/1537N: outline application for mixed use development comprising up to 325 dwellings, B1, D1, A1 and A3/4, creation of footpaths and public open space.  Resolution to grant planning approval (Strategic Planning Board 16 December 2015) subject to the signing of a S106 Agreement yet to be signed.

Indicative Site Delivery

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